Chapter 12

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(ryujin's pov)
-friday, 6:30am-

It was Friday morning when I woke up on y/n's bed I look at her side and found her still sleeping. I smiled and got up from her bed 'shit..I forgot to ask jihyo unnie for clothes..maybe y/n can lend me some I'm gonna ask her' I looked at y/n who was sleeping.

I woke her up and ask her "hey y/n can I borrow some clothes" she woke up and stretch her arm before yawning which I found cute.

"What was your question again?" I chuckled and ask her again "can I borrow some clothes" I asked again she open her eyes wide open and hold my hand "yea sure, but what time is it?" I took my phone out and look at the time "its 6:40, wae?" She looked at me with the red face I was wondering why her face was like that but I shrugged it off and grab some of her clothes.

I wore her clothes it was a white t-shirt and a black ripped jeans. She was taking shower when I was taking off my clothes I looked around on her room and found a piece of picture on the back of her phone.

I picked her phone and was surprise on who it was "why am I on her phone case?" I took a closer look it was a picture of me with a black hair. I smiled and put her phone down before walking downstairs.
(Y/n's pov)

I got out of my bathroom and dry myself up. I still remembered the kiss last night and it was my first kiss and shin ryujin is my first kiss. I shake my head and wore a blank tank top and a plain shirt along with jeans

I grab my phone and went out of my room and head downstairs to eat breakfast with them

"Y/n can we talk" nayeon unnie called me while looking down. I walked over to her and cross my arm "mianhe.." the only word nayeon unnie said I raise one of my brow and expecting for more words "y/n I'm really really sorry I shouldn't have said that when you were having a bad time that day" I sighed and hugged her

"Gwaenchanha" I patted her back while hugging nayeon unnie "gomawayo y/n" we let go of each other and nayeon unnie smiled. We walked at the kitchen and there I saw ryujin the girl who kissed me

I hid my phone on my pocket and sit with them
(Ryujin's pov)

-at school-

I'm at school with y/n and she keep hiding her phone like I didn't knew she have a picture of me behind her phone "oh there's chanie" y/n pointed at bang chan he waved and she waved back she hold my hand and drag me towards him

"Annyeong chanie!" She hugged him and he gave me a look a bad look like he was going to do something to y/n "annyeong y/n and?" He looked at me again and gave his hand "shin ryujin" I coldly said and didn't shake his hand

He laugh a bit and put his hand back "your friend seems cold" he joked about it. I rolled my eyes "y/n-ah I'm going to my class" she smiled at me. I walked over to my class but before entering my class bang chan hold y/n waist I got mad and just entered my class

'i swear he's going to do something to her. I better follow y/n later'
Done! Done! Sorry if it's short I'll make the next chap long :))

𝙷𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚒𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚢𝚘𝚞||Ryujin X Reader (Female)Where stories live. Discover now