Chapter 14

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(Y/n's pov)

[A/n: same time as the last chap]

I was going to put the towel on her when I forgot to get some ice. Shit. I went out of her room and go downstairs

I got some ice and put them in a bowl. I went up stairs to her room again "close the door" I rolled my eyes and close it

I sat on her bed again grab some ice and put it on the towel "tell me if it's cold or it hurts" I said she simply nodded. I put the towel on her face

She looked at me deeply. I got scared but kept treating her face "you want me to treat your o-other bruises?" I stutter like..why?!

"Do you have bandages?" I nodded and grab the bandages and show it to her while smiling then grab her arm and wrap the bandage on her

"Apa.." she groan a bit "ahh...mianhe ryu.." I apologize and sat on her lap to bandage her face

"Hey..y/n do you like what happen to us at the park?" She asked and of course I remembered it. I blushed. Hopefully she didn't see it plus it was dark the only light is the moonlight on her room

"Ne..I-like what happen, w-wae?.."

Afraid of what will happen next but she drop her phone and cupped my cheeks "will you be mad if I did it again?"

She asked..I didn't know what to say..I was stunned for a moment when our lips touch. I felt her soft lips and we kissed passionately.
(Ryujin's pov)
-saturday, 6:25-

It was morning when the ray of sunlight. I squit my eyes and turn around to see a beautiful girl beside me.

'your lips were soft to kiss y/n-ah..and your skin is soft like a baby'

'I'm sorry that I didn't protect you from bang chan'

My eyes travel on her face and neck. We had fun last night but we stopped because she was tired and I don't blame her she treat my scars. I was thankful for her

I kiss her cheek to wake her up "y/n~ wake up sleepy head~" I said in a soft and calming voice. She open her eyes then she showed me a eye smile which was cute af

Cute girl

I pinch her cheeks, kiss her lips softly
She kissed me back. We let go of each other "good morning ryujinie" y/n got up of my bed then run in her room

'aish..y/n-ah is really something'

I got out of my bed and wear a black crop top. I picked up my phone and chatted tzuyu


Tzu, is chaeyoung there?

Hey ryu, ne chaeng is here also mina unnie

Mina unnie? Wae?

I don't fucking know she been here last night and I've been hearing moaning like what?!

You know chaeng and her hormones-wait what am I saying!, anywaysss I'll be there with everybody

Jinjja?! Even momo unnie?!

Ne tzuyu calm down, arraso?

Arraso ryujinie, annyeong


𝙷𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚒𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚢𝚘𝚞||Ryujin X Reader (Female)Where stories live. Discover now