Chapter 11

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(Y/n's pov)
-3:30 pm, end of classes-

I was glad bang chan was here because I feel safe around him. Bang Chan is my childhood friend but I had to move out and live with my unnies "what's with the tired face?" I hugged him "stress" I buried my face on his shirt "clingy y/n-ah" I let go and slap his arm "yah! I'm not clingy" I earn a chuckle from him and hugged me "mianhe"

We were walking to my house while talking we reach my destination he was about to bid his goodbye but I hold his wrist "you should stay and meet my unnie again" Bang Chan knows my unnies because me and chan we were brother and sister "fine fine" I smiled and drag him inside.

"I'm home!" My unnies walked at the door and saw bang chan "oh annyeong" momo unnie greeted him "ah annyeong Bang Chan imnida" he introduce himself which made us laugh "We already know you chanie" nayeon unnie said while ruffling his hair I smiled and pushed him out of my door "cya tomorrow y/n" he bid goodbye and I went inside the house again.

Once I entered my unnies looked at me I raise one eyebrow "mwo?" Mina unnie sighed before saying something "why with the sudden change of mood?" I was a bit shock by the question so I decided to play dumb about it "what do you mean" Mina unnie sighed again "nevermind" she gave up cause she knew I was going to play dumb about it. I walked upstairs and enter my room

-y/n's room-

I entered my room and flop myself on my bed not even taking off my clothes and bag. I groan 'I'm tired..but I want to hangout with yeji' I took out my phone and texted yeji

Yah, hwang yeji want to hangout at the park?

Yea sure, what time?

Right now, don't be late.

Damn..I'll see if I can attend

Well, you better show up

I'll see, annyeong

Okay, annyeong

I turn off my phone and got up from my bed. Took my clothes off and wore a oversize t-shirt and a short along with a beanie I wore my glasses too. I grab my phone and head out of my room

-park, 5:20pm-

I'm already at the park and I sat at one of the benches to wait for yeji 'she better show up' I took my phone and scroll social media while waiting for her.

30 minutes later

It's been thirty minutes and yeji is still not here so I decided to call her. She didn't answer so I called her again she picked up

"Yah! Hwang yeji where the heck are you it's been 30 fucking minutes"

[Mianhe y/n but I can't come]


[I still have some stuff to do and chaeryeong is here]

"For fuck sake! You should've told me!"

[Mianhe, I'll hung up now annyeong]

She hung up I turn off my phone. I look up at the sky it was quiet and not too many people and the wind was howling a cold breeze since it was almost night. I sat at the bench and be in deep thoughts

'bang chan is here but nothing even change even if he's here'

'its also been a while since me and ryujin talked. Maybe she's being back to being cold'

'its all my fault though I said I'll stay with her but I didn't stay instead I pushed her away...great job y/n'

"You seem to be in deep thoughts" someone sat beside me I turn around to see the girl I was thinking about she was wearing a red plaid shirt and jeans "I was, anyways what are you doing here?" I asked not looking at her "am I not allowed to be here?" I rolled my eyes because she was annoying me. I stood up and she pin me to a tree "what are you doing?!" I asked her but didn't receive an answer and kissed me all of a sudden I tried to push her away but I was tired and weak

She stop kissing me to catch our breaths "look, I don't care if your mad I just want to know what's wrong" she looked at me with worried eyes to be honest it's my first time to see her worried about someone "I just remembered bad memories from my past" I said not looking at her

"Did nayeon unnie said something about your past?" She was right nayeon unnie did remind me of how pathetic I was when I was a kid because it was my fault that my parents died. I put my head on her chest and cried remembering what happen that day

-flash back-
(June 17 2018, 10:30pm)

It was a rainy day, I was 9 year old when it happened my dad was the one driving while having an argument with my mom I was a kid so I didn't know what they're talking about

I sat at the back seat of the car we were supposed to go at my aunt house to visit them "mommy are we there yet" I asked I couldn't tell that my mother was annoyed by it "were still far now shut up!" She yelled making my dad scold her "what the fuck is wrong with you! She was just asking" my father said not keeping his eyes on the road "well I'm sorry" my mother replied

What I did next was my fault and it always be. "Dad look at me" I said and my father did look at me I guess he was happy that he couldn't take his eyes off me when my mother yelled "harry! Harry! There's a tru-" my mother was cut off by my father who cursed and it happen the car crash and my parents didn't survive the impact.

Ryujin patted my back and hugged me I really hate myself for what happen to my parents that night and when nayeon unnie remind me of it I couldn't stop being mad at myself even though nayeon unnie wasn't at fault "its okay y/n let it all out..I'm here" ryujin voice always calms me down so I cried and hugged her more and didn't want to let go

"I'll stay by your side y/n-ah, yagsok.."
Done and I think is a long chapter because it has 1089 words I think?

Thank you for reading! and sorry for typos and errors

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