Chapter 6

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(ryujin's pov)

I went out of the bathroom to see y/n not here 'I think she's with them now' I said to myself then I grab my phone and went down stairs as well

"Ryujinie come here were gonna play truth or dare" sana unnie said "truth or dare? Jinjja? That's for kids" I replied "we can't drink cause there's kids here ryu" y/n said while eating "ahh don't worry ryujinie we can make it fun" jeongyeon unnie said while winking at me "fine fine" I said and sat at the couch

We started the game with spinning the bottle and it pointed at chaeyoung "truth or dare chaeng?" dahyun asked "hmm truth" she replied "is it true that many people say were twins" dahyun asked chaeng and she nodded and spin the bottle again "jeongyeon unnie it pointed at you" I said "aniya, it pointed at you" she replied "It landed on ryu" y/n said while tracing the point of the bottle to my chest "so..ryujin truth or dare" jeongyeon unnie asked me "dare" I replied coldly cause I know what she will make me do "ryujinie make a dirty pick up line" jeongyeon unnie said with a smirk on her face "ahh unnies me and yuna need to go now" chaeryeong said "ill drive you guys" yeji offered and they went out of the door "ah forgot to add 3 dirty pick up lines and we will decide who" jeongyeon unnie added I just nod my head.
(Y/n's pov)

"We will do anonymous voting" jihyo unnie said and momo gave us piece of papers except ryujin "vote now" sana unnie said. I voted jeongyeon unnie even though I know she likes nayeon unnie but who else am I voting for? "Okay put your paper in my hand" nayeon unnie said so we did what she said and she shook her hand

"Okay first one we have...y/n" nayeon unnie said "second is y/n" she added while holding her laughter "third one is can you guys guess?" she asked us and of course they all laugh "it's y/n" dahyun said "I think all of them is y/n" she said "yah! Check the others!" I said and nayeon unnie did was I told her and she was right all of them was me 'ugh shibal..' I said to myself "since one of them is jeong I'm guessing y/n wrote it" ryujin said while smirking "lets start ryu" jeongyeon unnie said

Ryujin already have something in mind just reading her face "y/n-ah..did you know there are two types of kiss?" she asked me "ne" I replied "the first type is a gentle kissing the second one is rough and can lead to sex which will be doing later" she said and winked at me "are you done?" I said while giving her a annoyed look "I'm just getting started y/n-ah" she replied "71 people can fit in a car. How ? Well 2 in front while we handle 69 in the back" she added "damn ryu" jihyo unnie said
(Ryujin's pov)

"Okay last one ryu" momo unnie said I stood up and sat beside y/n and whisper in her ear "If your left leg is Christmas, and you right leg New Year's Eve, can i visit between them?" I whispered to her and she hit me "pabo!" She said and clung in my right arm "aishhh...what did you said ryu" dubchaeng whined "secret" I replied

-2:30 am-

"It's 2:30 we should sleep now" nayeon unnie said "she's already asleep" I said while pointing at y/n "then carry her" tzuyu said I sighed and carried her anyways

-y/n's room-

"Aigoo it's hard to carry you at the stairs" I said while putting her gently at the bed then looked at her 'yeppuda..' I said to myself. I stopped looking at her and laid at the floor "Goodnight y/n" I said then went to sleep
Chapter 6 done gamsahabnida!!!!

𝙷𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚒𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚢𝚘𝚞||Ryujin X Reader (Female)Where stories live. Discover now