Chapter 5

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(ryujin's pov)
-4:30 pm-

-at the dance room-
I'm at the dance room right now since our hangout will be at 7pm so I stayed at the dance room to practice a dance just to distract myself from boredom when y/n came in I raised a brow cause she just entered without saying anything "hey, are you alright?" I asked while walking towards her "I'm pissed" she replied with anger in her voice "wae?" I asked again "some guy kissed me" she said I don't know why but I kinda felt mad for the guy and jealous too "luckly before he kissed me tzuyu and dubchaeng beat him up so I'm glad" y/n said while sighing I patted her head "calm down y/n-ah" I said smiling "I am gomawayo ryujin unnie" she said then giving me a hug 'ouch sister-zoned' I said to myself and let go of the hug " since you were asleep jeongyeon unnie said we will hangout at your house" I said while walking away from her she didn't said anything but I didn't care

I continued to dance when y/n joined me "since when did you know how to dance?" I teased while looking at her "the day that I was born" she replied and kissed my cheek I was a bit shocked because girls are usually scared of me but y/n is different "are you really going to be like a statue forever ryujinie?" she asked, wow informally speaking to me is just wow I chuckled and danced with her
(Y/n's pov)
It's been 20 mins since ryujin been smiling a bit and I like that about her maybe she has a crush on someone "hey ryujinie" I called her "wae?" she replied while looking at me "do you have a girlfriend or a crush?" I asked her while tilting mu head a bit "ani, I know girls secretly have a crush on me and jeong but I ignored them cause I know they're not meant to be with me" she replied while ruffling my hair "ahh arraso" I said and packed my things and went home with ryujin

-at namosami and y/n's house-
We arrived at my place and ryujin's unnie are already here bickering with each other while jihyo and sana unnie were talking we all knew that they're in a relationship "let's go to my room ryujinie" I said and hold ryujin's hand then runs at my room and closing it "what are we going to do in here have sex?" she jokingly said "yah!! Aniya!" I replied and slap her arm she chuckled and pinned me on my bed "are you sure about that y/n-ah?" ryujin said seductivly "yah! Ryujin! Let go off me!" I said while trying to let go

She let go and laughed maniacally I rolled my eyes and grab my pj's, walked in the bathroom and changed my clothes

I walked out of the bathroom to see ryujin at my bed "yah, ryujinie your turn" I said while putting my used clothes on my laundry basket then someone put their arm around my waist I already know who it was "do you need something ryu?" I asked "you know I'm older than you" she said "I know but only 2 days so I don't really care now let go" I replied and she let go of me then walked in the bathroom I walked downstairs to join them
There will be a prt 2 of this :)

𝙷𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚒𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚢𝚘𝚞||Ryujin X Reader (Female)Where stories live. Discover now