Chapter 3

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(Jihyo's Pov)
(Tuesday, 7:30am)

I'm currently in the school because I'm the president student council and I have duty to do "I should check the hallways first" I said to myself then got up from my chair and walked through the hallways

-at the hallway-
I looked and checked the hallways It looks okay so I walked back to my office when I heard someone at one of the classroom. I walked towards the room and check if someone is there I saw mark harassing sana "hey! Get off her!" I yelled and kicked mark in the balls "you're lucky sana but I'm not done yet" Mark said before leaving, sana hugged me and cried "thank you jihyo.." she said and I patted her back "ill tell the principal about this for the meantime you can rest in my office is that okay?" I asked she simply nodded we walked at my office I helped her walk towards there

-at the office-
She sat at the couch and I sat on my chair there was silence but I didn't mind because I was doing my work then sana broke the silence "thank you for saving me jihyo ssi.." sana said I just smiled and stood up from my chair to put something on my shelf when sana back hugged me I startled at first then turn her face "uhm do you want something sana?" I asked her i just stand here confused on why she hugged me.
(Sana's pov)
"Uhm do you need something sana?" She ask I didn't said a word and just kissed her lips passionately while hugging her I was scared at what will happen if I let go so I didn't and kept kissing her 'maybe this will give you a hint jihyo..' i said to myself and let go i blushed and looked away while jihyo froze there

Jihyo just froze there so I hit her arm "yah! I-it was just a kiss!" I said while blushing "a-ah right it was just a kiss mianhe for reacting like that" jihyo bowed and I kinda felt sad because I think she didn't get the hint "jihyo.." i said while holding her hand "wae?" jihyo replied I hugged her "uhm i-i like you park jihyo" I confessed jihyo smiled and kiss me again "well i like you too sana-ah" jihyo said and kissed me again i kissed her back not knowing that were already making out because jihyo was sitting on her chair while I sat on her lap while kissing her more. (Ill leave the rest in your imagination :D)
Chapter 3 done its only short because its only a sahyo pov but the next chapter will be y/n and ryujin again! Thank you for supporting and sorry if there are any errors

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