Chapter 18

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(ryujin's pov)

I woke up over my phone ringing I thought it was my alarm but someone was calling me. I sat on my bed and answer the call

Call picked up


[Yah! Shin ryujin!]

[Who's this?]


[Nayeon unnie? Why'd you call?]

[Where are you were going somewhere get your ass over to our house the others are here]

[Ahh..arraso..I'll be there..annyeong]

Call ended

I hung up the call then walked over to my closet to get some clothes. I grab my clothes which is a black oversized shirt and white baggy pants with a bucket hat along with a glasses and black mask

I got out of my room and walked out of the house

"I'll walk to their house"

I started walking towards nayeon unnie's house which is close to us

-at the house-

I arrived at their house and the first thing I saw is bang chan with y/n going inside the house

'gosh...awkward time..'

I went inside the house when dahyun ad chaeng tackled me. They all laughed except y/n and bang chan

"Annyeong ryujin" dubchaeng said at the same time

"Annyeong..why did you call me nayeon unnie?"

Tzuyu looked at me then smiled like a idiot

"We're going on a vacation with you" nayeon unnie excitingly said

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms

"I'll be lonely nayeon unnie.." I whine

"Yuna will join us duh" jeong unnie said

I smiled then scan the room to find my best friend and my "twin". I was scanning the room then I saw her talking to yeji I saw..

"Yah! Shin yuna!"

I waved my hand and walked toward her to hug my favorite person except for my unnies

"I miss you yuna-ssi~"

"I miss you too ryujin unnie"

We were talking when jeong unnie said that were going at the place. We were taking a bus there a private one

Me and yuna were sitting together on the left side of the bus, however y/n and bang chan were sitting together on the right side of the bus

Like next to us

But I didn't care yuna was with me and we could play something while we're traveling

"Ryujinie are you going to america later night?"

"Yea, wae?"

"Well...jeongyeon unnie had an extra ticket and she handed it to me meaning that I'll be with you in america"

I was shock my eyes were wide open I cover my mouth with my hand

"Ahhh! Jinjja?!"

She nodded. I hugged her and she hugged me back I was finally happy to hear that my best friend is going to be by my side

-3 hours later-

We arrived at the place and it was pretty the view is calming and the air was fresh

"Let's go to our hotel" dubchaeng said at the same time again

We walked at our hotel but of course Yuna wants me to take pictures of her. I gladly accepted and took many pictures until we arrived at our hotel

"Okayy y/n,bang chan and 2shins share a room" momo unnie said

"Wait wait who is 2shin?" Y/n asked and they all looked at me

"Oh me and ryu are both shins" Yuna explain

"They made that name when they were young" tzuyu said while chuckling

I smiled and wrap my hands around Yuna while walking to our room with the couple

'this is going to be a awesome vacation'
Long chap next ;)

𝙷𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚒𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚢𝚘𝚞||Ryujin X Reader (Female)Where stories live. Discover now