Chapter 2

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Lunch time
(Ryujin's pov)
Class is over and it was lunch time I quickly put my stuff inside my bag and walked out if the class and headed to the canteen to meet up with my unnies

-at the canteen-
I'm at the canteen with my unnies they were talking and I didn't care when they mention someone and It caught my attention "y/n is really pretty" jihyo unnie said "what do you expect they're family of visuals" jeongyeon unnie replied while eating 'they're family of visuals indeed' i thought to myself when chaeyoung ask something. "She's in your class, right ryujin?" she ask i nodded and continue eating my food when sana unnie walked to us "annyeong, can we sit with you guys alot of boys keep bothering y/n" she said and of course jihyo unnie said yes because she have a huge crush on sana unnie. Sana unnie left to tell the others, we all looked at jihyo unnie "whipped" dahyun said and received a death glare from jihyo unnie they all laughed except me and jihyo unnie

The other girls arrived and took their seat

Seating arrangement:

Once again I'm sitting next to y/n but we didn't care because we don't know each other yet. They were all talking except me and y/n 'this girl really ain't talking' i said to myself when we finished lunch and went to our classroom for another lesson.
(After school)
(Y/n's pov)
The school ended but I went to the dance club with momo unnie because she said she's going to practice a dance with tzuyu unnie and she needed someone to company her since I had nothing to do I said yes and now where here at the dance club I bowed and greeted tzuyu unnie and sat on the chair then watch them practice 'damn man their faces are close-close' I said to myself while smirking a bit

I cleared my throat and they immediately let go "oh sorry i had to clear my throat" I said while smirking "i-its okay" momo unnie said I can't help but laugh a bit and received a hit from momo unnie "yah! Why are you laughing" momo unnie said "nothing" i replied while chuckling 'they look good i swear' i said to myself and momo unnie went back to practice --------------------------------------------------
(Momo's pov)
Y/n was teasing me while practicing because of what happen while practicing 'I was so out of it we almost kissed' I said to myself before practicing again when tzuyu accidentally slap my head "mianhe momo unnie!" tzuyu said while holding my head "it's okay tzuyu-ah" i replied while smiling "you guys It's already 5pm nayeon unnie would be mad at us momo unnie let's go home" y/n said and i nodded "y/n is right it's already late ill drive you guys home" tzuyu ask but y/n decline the offer "I can drive us tzuyu unnie thanks for offering though" y/n said then giving tzuyu a hug and walking to her car "well see you tomorrow momo unnie annyeong" tzuyu said before she go i kissed her cheek and bid goodbye too

I arrived at y/n's car and she gave me a teasing look I ignored her and she drove back home 'tzuyu is really sweet and I hope she stays like that' I smiled

-at their house-
We reached home, I went to my room and laid at my bed remembering the time when we almost kissed I blushed and slowly drifted to a deep sleep
Chapter 2 done!!!

𝙷𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚒𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚢𝚘𝚞||Ryujin X Reader (Female)Where stories live. Discover now