Chapter 13

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(Ryujin's pov)
-friday, 3:45pm (end of classes)-

Class ended and I'm still in school with jihyo unnie helping her roam the hallways "ryujin make sure to check that hallway as well" jihyo unnie pointed at the hallway with turned off light "okay, I'll make sure" I walked over there and looked around for students inside this hallway 'jinjja, Why would students be here anyways what are they doing here having sex?'

To be honest I don't care about their sex life but why here at a dark shitty hallway like who does that. I got annoyed but proceed to roam the hallways when I saw a door slightly open I went up to see who's inside but as I got closer I can hear someone crying

I slowly approach the door and peek inside it was bang chan and y/n. But I got mad and enter the room "hey class ended your not supposed to be here" I looked at them with a cold face "mianhe ryujin..bang chan you can go first I'll catch up" y/n said with scared tone in her voice "okay I'll wait for you" bang chan left the room

Y/n suddenly hugged me and cried which left me shock because I didn't know what happend "gomawayo ryujinie..." She said I cupped her cheeks and wiped her tears "thank you for what?.." she didn't looked at me at the first place so I kissed her forehead and she finally told me.
(Y/n's pov)

I was with bang chan and our class ended he said that he will do some homeworks so he pointed at the hallway which I agreed to come with him since I trust him.

I went inside a room it was dark and didn't have alot of chairs to sit with so I stood up while he did his homework.

I was wondering around the room when someone snake their hand on my waist I didn't turn around because I know it was bang chan.

But he suddenly kiss my neck which made me jump. I pushed him off me and turn around "what the heck bang chan?!" I wiped my neck and then he pin me on the wall

I cried because he was kissing my neck and I tried pushing him off but he was stronger than me he kept on doing that when I had a chance to push him

"Stop! Bang chan!" I yelled at him and then ryujin came "hey class ended your not supposed to be here" I felt relived that ryujin was here "mianhe ryujin..bang chan you can go first I'll catch up" bang chan nodded "okay Ill wait for you" he left the room

I hugged ryujin and cried "gomawayo ryujinie" I thanked her. She cupped my face and wipe my tears "thank you for what?.." she asked me I was scared to tell her but she kissed my forehead I feel safe around her so I told her what happend.
(Ryujin's pov)

"Bang Chan almost raped me but I stopped him...he was about to pin me again but you came in here so..gomawayo" y/n said while smiling I got mad at bang chan so I held y/n's hand and went to bang chan at the parking lot

-parking lot-

"Hey! Bitch face!" I yelled at him and punch his face hard as i can. Y/n know he deserve it so she didn't help him "what the fuck was that for?!" He stood up and fix his face 'jinjja! You still have the audacity to be mad'

I rolled my eyes when he punch me back which made me fell over. I stood up wipe the blood on the side of my lips punching him again while pinning him on the ground "how dare you rape y/n you bastard thick face!" I stopped punching him when his face was bleeding.

Jihyo unnie came outside and saw bang chan "ryujin what did you do?!" She looked at me and I simply rolled my eyes and show jihyo unnie the hickeys on y/n's neck "bastard tried to rape y/n what do you want me to do about it" jihyo unnie sighed and enter the car

I followed jihyo unnie and y/n followed me inside the car so we can go home now.

-at home-

We arrived at our home jihyo said that she will tell sana unnie what happen if they ask, of course I said yes and kept quiet when we entered the door "were home" jihyo unnie yelled the other girls went down

"Welcome home?..." nayeon unnie looked at me suspiciously "is y/n alright?" She added jihyo unnie sighed while I crossed my arm

"Well uhm..ryujin said bang chan tried to rape..y/n" jihyo unnie said while looking at me "WHAT?!" nayeon unnie yelled and all of them froze "are you serious because bang chan can't actually do that" sana unnie asked with worry eyes

I rolled my eyes again "well your "precious" chanie tried to rape y/n" before nayeon unnie speak I pulled y/n and show them y/n's neck "trying to defend bang chan when the evidence is looking at you guys and before you say that I'm trying to bring down bang chan guys are some blind shits" they were speechless.

Well I expect them to be.

I let go of y/n and went upstairs to go in my room and lock it.
(Nayeon's Pov)

I was going to say something when ryujin showed us y/n's neck I was shock to see it.yes, I was mad at bang chan for this and thankful for ryujin

Ryujin said something which made us speechless "trying to defend bang chan when the evidence is looking at you guys and before you say that I'm trying to bring down bang chan guys are some blind shits" she said then letting go of y/n and walking to her room

I looked at jihyo. She was too serious about it so she just nodded agreeing to what ryujin said

I need to here bang chan and y/n' side of story

"w-who saved y/n?.." I looked at jihyo and she pointed at ryujin's room..thank God ryujin was there. Y/n hugged me and hugged her back all of us hugged her

My blood was boiling because of bang chan 'ugh!..I hate you bang chan I hope ryujin beat you up to death!'

I was worried so I cooked y/n food and the rest of us eat with her
(Y/n's pov)

After we ate I walked upstairs. Passed ryujin's room then I remembered her saving me so I knocked on her room "come in" she coldly said. Once I enter the room I saw her shirtless and her face was bruise probably because of bang chan

I closed the door behind me and walked towards her "hey..ryujinie" I sat beside her on the bed. She wasn't saying anything which was..


I saw her body was full of bruises and scars on her body. I'll admit I felt worried about it so I tried to help her

"Hey..ryujin why do you have alot of scars and bruises?.." I tried asking without being scared. No response she just kept her eyes fixated on her phone.

I had enough

I stood up and grab a towel and some bandages and went back to her "ya, ill help you weather you get mad at me"

Still no answer, jinjja?!

I sighed and sat beside her

'aish..I hate this stubborn girl'


𝙷𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚒𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚢𝚘𝚞||Ryujin X Reader (Female)Where stories live. Discover now