Chapter 7

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(Mina's pov)

It was morning and I woke up around 7am I got out of bed and fix myself when chaeng said something "what time is it?" she said "7:10 am" I replied she got up as well and fix herself I went downstairs to see momo and tzuyu cooking breakfast "married couple cooking breakfast for their kids" I teased them and momo gave me a death glare tzuyu stayed silent and kept on cooking breakfast "I'll ask chaeng to wake them up" I said and called chaeng "mwo?" she replied "wake them up please" I said she nodded her head and went upstairs to wake them up.

All of them are awake and we were eating breakfast when someone rang the doorbell "I get it" chaeng said and rushed at the door "minari! You have a package!" She yelled and rushed back at the table "gomawayo chaeng" I said and took the package from her. I opened the package and to my surprise it's a game that bambam gave me "who gave it to you?" sana asked "from bambam" I replied all of them steal glances at chaeyoung I was confused why did they looked at chaeng like that

I was done eating and went to my room to play and test the new game bambam gave me to be honest I'm thankful for the gift and to bambam because he's my childhood friend and we always play games at his house 'guess bam miss me' I said to myself while chuckling
(Chaeyoung's pov)

"Soo basically bambam gifted mina" ryujin said "no shit sherlock" I replied in annoyance "I guess you don't have a chance chaeng" ryujin talked again but she put a smirk on her face before she walked out of the table I stood up from my chair and punched her "the fuck are you saying" I said all of them restrain me "what the heck is wrong with you chae?!" Jeongyeon unnie said ryujin stayed at the floor when y/n said something that shock us all

"You two are bunch of kids playing a game..such a shame and this is our house so don't cause a fucking fight"
Chapter 7 doneee sorry if it's short next is third person pov ty for reading this :)

𝙷𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚒𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚢𝚘𝚞||Ryujin X Reader (Female)Where stories live. Discover now