Chapter 9

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(ryujin's pov)

I woke up to someone hugging me and to my surprise it was y/n. I fallen asleep at top of y/n and I can hear her heartbeat so I didn't bother waking her up and enjoy this moment with her

'Her heartbeat is always calming I hope I'll hear it again but would it be the same again if we're together?..'

'Her face would I still be the one who look at them?'

'Her eyes am I still the one who will tell their beautiful?..'

'Her smile and lips would I be the one to kiss them and see that perfect smile of hers?'

Alot of questions were running in my head and I couldn't answer one of them because we still don't know what the future holds for me and for her but deep inside of me there's always a voice that keep saying it's her that I'm going to end up with. I smiled thinking I'm just being stupid about my feelings

"Looks like someone's in deep thoughts" y/n said "ani..I'm just thinking of something it's not that deep" I replied and got off her "thank you ryu for comforting me" I looked at her and bowed "it's nothing" I said and walked downstairs leaving y/n at her room

-living room-

"They already left" nayeon unnie said "I figured.." I weakly smiled and sat on the table "nayeon unnie" I called she hummed in response "can I stay here for couple of days?" I said "your jihyo unnie is already living here with sana so I don't see the problem of you living here" she said I smiled softly "thank you unnie" I thanked her

'I need time to think before going back home..I just can't face jeongyeon unnie'

I was in my thoughts when the others came and sit with us I kept being silent and just eat my food while they were talking when jihyo unnie asked me something "yah..ryujinie are you alright? You seem quieter than usual" she asked "I'm fine jihyo unnie" I replied and stood up from my seat to put my plate at the sink and went out on their backyard to breath some fresh air.

'fine..what a lie ryujin good cover up though'

'there some times that we can't fix and sometimes we tried to fix them we get hurt'

'and always say it's fine when deep inside people are suffering and crying trying to hide their true feelings by acting normal'

I was lost in thought again and I like it it's like no one can hurt you no can enter no can damage it
(Y/n's pov)

I was looking for ryujin when I found her at our backyard I went to her and tap her shoulders "ryujinie what are you doing here?" I asked "to get something out of my mind to feel better" she replied "oh..well I'll stay with you" I said and gave her a smile she ruffled my hair and smiled as well

'its my first time seeing her smile like this before..I miss it'

'there will be a time that she will be happy again'

I leaned my head on her shoulder to know that I'm by her side all the time "when are you going home?" I asked and she looked down "I'll be staying for a couple of days" she replied and just base on the tone of her voice I know she wasn't fine "so you lied" I said "huh? Lied? About what?" she asked

"Base on your voice you sound sad about it and the way you seem to be deep in thoughts every minute, you still say you're fine?" I said not looking at her "what do you want me to reply then?" she asked I stayed silent

I walked inside the house and went at my room to continue writing my songs for the upcoming highschool night 'school is finally coming to an end' I said to myself while looking out on window

"I just want to be the one by your side and we both will not care how the world will end"

"I'll stay by your side through endless nights I know deep inside your hurting I know you keep your feelings hidden because your afraid that people will hurt you"

"I know the world might be full mysteries but I promise you it will be fun when you're with me"

I wrote the final stanzas for my song and yes, it's about ryujin I know she have alot of things going on inside her head and mind and this song will remind her that I'm here and we can face anything together.

I was still sitting on my chair when someone knock on my door "name" I asked "Im nayeon" nayeon unnie replied "come in unnie" I said she open my door and sat on my bed "what's wrong y/n" she asked me "nothing" I replied when clearly somethings on my head right now but I can't rely on them anymore

"Are you sure?, You know me and the others are looking out for you not just because your the youngest we know what happen to you and what happen to your pa-" she stopped talking because she knew I was mad and I don't like talking about what happen to them "I said nothing was wrong now pls get out" I said not looking back "mianhe y/n-ah.." nayeon unnie said before walking out of my room

'great I'll be mad and pissed tomorrow thank you!...' I said to myself "goddamn it.." hopefully I won't be too stress tomorrow at school

𝙷𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚒𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚢𝚘𝚞||Ryujin X Reader (Female)Where stories live. Discover now