Chapter 10

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(Y/n's pov)
-thursday, 6:30 am-

I woke up to the sound of my alarm I sat on my bed and took my phone to turn off my alarm and too see if there's any messages and there are two unread messages from ryujin "what does this girl wants" I groan and open my messages


Yow y/n I just want to ask if you want to hang out later?

Y/n-ah you there?

Yes I'm here and I'll see if I can

I turned off my phone and stretch my arms before getting up and making my bed. I walked to my bathroom to take a shower

I got out of the bathroom and wore my clothes I'm wearing a white crop top and a denim jacket with a black ripped jeans I comb my hair and wore my glasses, grab my phone and head out of my room to see them eating breakfast "y/n-ah breakfast?" momo unnie asked me I decline and head out of the house 'ill just eat at school' I got inside my car and drove at the school


I arrived at school and parked my car I got out of my car and saw yeji with chaeryeong "hey y/n, you're not with your unnies" I looked somewhere before saying something "ah yea uhm I just arrived first they'll be here" they nodded "see you around y/n unnie" I bid good bye to them too

I walked inside the school and of course boys keep hitting on me but I ignored them and keep walking on my class
(Ryujin's pov)

-6:40am- (after y/n left)
Something's off about y/n today because one she didn't eat breakfast with us, second she went to school without me or them. When y/n left without saying anything jihyo unnie asked something "is y/n alright?" we all didn't know what happen I just look at them but nayeon unnie was looking down avoiding eye contact so I decided to ask her "nayeon unnie do you know what happen?" she was shock by my sudden question

"A-ani..I don't know what happen maybe she's just tired.." she said while looking down "we should go to school now maybe y/n is there you know waiting for us" momo unnie and we all agreed and went inside the car to drive to school

We're at school and I'm in my classroom of course I saw y/n sitting beside chaeyoung, I still felt bad saying those words to chaeng. I couldn't focus on the session and just look at the window with deep thoughts

'is y/n mad? Did something happen between nayeon unnie and y/n?'

'what ever it is I need to talk to y/n about hopefully she have time'

'I hate it when I'm lost in thoughts and I mostly hate when I'm not focusing on my class'

I groan in annoyance and grab my notebook and pen to draw random stuff on the paper and of course all I can think about was y/n so I just doodle

-lunch time-

Lunch time. The class ended I pack my things and when I was going to talk to y/n she disappear I already know I'll be having a tuff time making her talk to me

I walked at the canteen and sat on the same table the squad sit I felt scared and nervous because jeongyeon, chaeyoung, dahyun and tzuyu was here sitting with us I didn't let them know that I'm nervous and kept a calm and cold face

"Where's y/n?" dahyun asked chaeng "I don't know I just saw her at the hallways" I looked at my food. They were talking and me being quiet and just eating I knew that keeping a cold face will let them know that I'm not interested in talking "there's y/n" mina pointed at y/n and we saw her eating alone

Couple minutes has passed and y/n was done eating and so I was then a boy approached her. She hugged him and to my surprise they know they boy y/n was hugging "y/n must've missed bang-chan" sana unnie said while looking at them

'she never hugged me like that when we were together...aish stop talking nonsense ryujin'

"Hey ryujin you alright? you keep playing with your food and not talking" tzuyu asked me I just stopped playing with my food and didn't bother answering the question

'ughhh..I wish I can die right noww'

𝙷𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚒𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚢𝚘𝚞||Ryujin X Reader (Female)Where stories live. Discover now