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"Leo! Leo! Look! Look!" A young boy with shaggy hair looks up from the bug he was watching to find another young boy covered in dirt as he swings around a large stick.

Waddling over to figure out what is going on, he pauses to find a family of cats. The other boy was about to poke at them with the stick when he stopped them. "No! They look frightened already. I think the mommy just gave birth. The little ones have their hair all matted and dirty."

"Do we take it to a doctor?" The scrunch on the little boy's face is enough to determine that doctors were not people he enjoyed going to.

"Let's tell my dad. He will know what to do. He always knows what to do." Two pairs of small legs run into the large home and trail dirt behind them.

"Leo! Fiat! What did I say about stomping off the dirt before entering the house!?" Beady eyes widen before rushing to the backyard and taking cover behind the large man. "Oh no, you don't. Get back here! You know you have to clean that up. Leo, you should know better. Fiat, you too. You are a son to us, so you will be treated the same."

"Darling, they must have had something important on their mind that they forgot. Right, boys?" The man reaches down to ruffle their hair and they giggle before remembering why they came in in the first place.

"Phor! A cat had kittens out front! There's like twenty!" Ten little fingers wiggle in the air, accompanied by another ten even smaller fingers. The two adults exchange eyes before they laugh.

"Are you sure twenty? That seems like a lot for a single mother," The father chuckles. "Why don't you show me where this family is and I'll see what I can do. Then you boys clean up after yourselves, alright?"

"Of course, Phor!" The three trail around the house rather than through to get to the front and the two boys guide the father to the location. Seeming to have more confidence, they walk up close and point at the litter. The man looks at them with a look that they do not recognize. "See kittens! All twenty! Some of them are dirty though and don't move around. They're in the same spot as we left them. How come they don't clean themselves. Does the mother not tell them to get clean like Mae does?"

"Boys, go on inside and clean up the floors and then have a shower. I'll call someone to help me out and find a home for all of them," The father squats down and cups both of their faces.

"Can we keep all of them? They were born outside of our home, Phor! How cool is that!" Young Leo exclaims. The father sighs and shakes his head.

"Sorry, son. Maybe we can get a pet in the future, but not right now. We don't know the history of these cats so it might not be safe for us to keep. Now, go inside and make sure not to drag any more dirt inside. We don't want to anger your mother," he calmly tells the two. They frown, but listen as they loudly stomp their feet outside the door before entering. Being kids, their mood did not last long as they mess around while washing up. Water is splashed all over the place and giggles are heard down the halls.

Leo and Fiat are young, innocent and pure. They hardly realized the still born kittens or even imagined the possible future that is in store for them. Leo stares at Fiat with so much care as he helps the smaller boy to dry his hair. Even though he is the same age, he feels the need to take care of him and it seems that Fiat has no issue on him doing so.

As years go by the two continue to be inseparable and spend almost every waking moment together. It is not until one summer that Leo's parents announce that they had to go abroad for his father's work. The two kids clutched onto each other despite already being young teenagers. "Just let me live with Auntie and Uncle! I'll be a good boy! I promise!"

"Or let me go with Leo! I don't want to be separated!" Young Fiat offers. The four adults sigh as they exchange looks. Leo's mother squats down in front of them and cups their faces.

"Oh, boys. Won't you miss your parents if you go with the other? It's not as simple as when we go to Krabi. We will be going to London. It's much farther. I know you boys will miss each other, but we agreed to schedule in video calls for you guys to keep talking. There's also the old fashion way where you send letters to each other. It'll be great," She attempts to make the situation better. "We can fly back for some holidays or you guys can fly over some. It won't be often, but we can definitely work something out. Right?"

The two boys look over to the three adults who nod their heads in agreement. Leo turns the small boy to face him. He takes a deep breath as he holds him by the shoulders. "We can be like those movies and dramas that live in alternate universes and write notes for each other. It can be fun! I'll send you cool things too! It'll be okay, Fiat. We're partners in life remember? Distance won't ruin anything. Just make sure you do all your homework and be a good person, okay?"

"If I need help, you better reply right away and help me!" Fiat whines. Leo nods and the young boys embrace each other in a warm hug. The last few months of summer are the last moments they had to spend time together before Leo and his family leave. The parents schedule as many activities as they can together up until the flight. "I don't want you to go. I'm going to miss you."

"We're best friends, Fiat. There's nothing to worry about. We'll be friends forever," Leo grins and ruffles Fiat's hair as they stand just outside of the terminal entrance.

"Right, friends forever." Leo's brows furrow at the bothered look on his friend's face, but figured he is just sad because of his departure. "You'll still talk to me and won't forget about me right?"

"Of course. Just be good, alright? Let me know if you are having any problems." Fiat nods his head as he fights the tears that are threatening to fall. Leo gives a sad smile and hugs his best friend before finally following his parents. Leo keeps turning back to Fiat and waves each time. As soon as he hands his ticket and passport he gives one last look and wide wave. Fiat has his lip jutted as his jaw shakes and he returns a small wave. Leo sighs to himself as he falls into his seat by the window. Things will be okay, right?



Just a beginning to a rollercoaster of a story for my new story.

How are all of you? I hope all is well. Don't forget to give yourself time to recharge. Your condition mentally and physically matter too. Matching the expectations of society has often brought more stress and problems than we need. Find out who you are and who you want to be. What matters is making yourself happy. In time, those who are worth your time will be happy for you also.

Sending all my love and support to you.


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