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"Fiat! Can you grab the package from downstairs?" Leo calls out from his home office desk.

"What is it?" From a distance, you can hear the movement from the living room and a head pops in from behind the door. "Did you order something again?"

"It's an express mail from work. You'll have to sign for it," Leo takes quick glances at the other before pausing and turning to him properly. "Were you busy? I can pick it up if you were."

"No. I'm not. I'll pick it up. Is it okay that I'm the one signing for it though?" Fiat questions seeing as it was a file from work.

"Yeah, Tan put a note that you can sign for it in lieu for any work files that get sent home," Leo nods and smiles. When Fiat returns with the large envelope, Leo pulls him in to his side and has him sit on his lap. "Thank you, Fiat. I'm sorry I had to work while we were suppose to be cleaning. What time are your parents coming again?"

"Tomorrow, first thing in the morning. They'll be taking the first ride over. Why?" Fiat runs his fingers through Leo's hair and it makes him hum in delight.

"Because the moment they come, I'll have to behave," Leo nuzzles his nose into Fiat's nape and his soft breathes tickle the other. "I'll try to finish this as soon as I can. Then I will help you with the rest. How about another bath night?"

"Last time, you said we would just relax, but we didn't end up 'relaxing' until dawn," Fiat throws up his hands for air quotes and Leo ends up in a fit of laughter. "Stop laughing! We both had work the next day and unlike you, I work normal hours."

"Aww, I'm sorry, Baby. I promise it will be a relaxing one. No funny business," Leo promises and gently rubs Fiat's hip.

"Fine. I'd like a bath night. It'll be nice to have," Fiat smiles. "At least they won't question us sleeping together. You also don't have to completely pull away. They're use to us being friendly with each other."

"I'd love to try small actions, but I don't think I'll be able to stop myself from anything more if I get comfortable," Leo confesses. "Come on. I have to finish this up and we can start our night as soon as possible."

"Okay. Proud of you," Fiat leans down and pecks Leo's lips. They both smile at each other and rub their noses together. "See you soon. Let me know if you need something."

Leo watches as Fiat walks out and his eyes follow him until he cannot see him anymore. All throughout the last of his work time, a smile lingers on his lips and with the drive made by the plans for the night, he zooms through his files. As soon as he finishes, he kicks back his seat and rushes out. "Fiat!!! I'm- Khun Mae! Khun Phor!"

He could not help the falter in his smile as he saw Fiat's parents seated on the couch. Fiat appears from the kitchen with glasses of water and the two exchange defeated glances. "Apparently, my parents wanted to surprise us by arriving early. Mae, Phor, we were still preparing everything for your arrival. We should have been the ones to pick you up."

"Then that wouldn't be a surprise, would it?" Fiat's mother questions. She looks around the place and Leo slowly makes his way further into the room and properly gives them a greeting. "Your place is beautiful, Leo. I hope Fiat hasn't destroyed anything-"


"Of course not. Fiat has been pulling his weight. He actually cleans more than I do," Leo bumps his shoulder with Fiat and grins. "I wouldn't change Fiat moving in for anything."

"You sure he isn't bothering you? Not giving you a hard time?" Fiat's father gives his son a hard look. "We know how he always has the habit of depending on you and asking for favors. You really are spoiling him, Leo."

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