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Leo waits at home alone. The first time in a long one where he spends an entire Saturday by himself. He moves from the couch, to the kitchen, to the balcony and even heads to the building's gym. His uneasiness and anxiousness makes him unable to be still.

Looking for a distraction, Leo goes to the home office and scrolls through his emails and does grunt work. For a while it works, but he is quick to space out in between work. His phone ringing makes him alert and he nearly falls off the rolling chair when he grabs for it.


His energy falls at the caller's name, but he answers with excitement as he brings the phone to his ear. "Mae! I'm surprised your calling. I've missed you."

"If you missed me so much, you could call too, you know. I have to call like this in order to get any news from you," his mother has a scowl in her voice and Leo lets out a guilty laugh.

"Oh, Mae, you know how it is. Busy busy. I'm even at the home office right now," Leo fiddles with the things on his desk as if his mother was there to see him.

"I thought you stopped working on the weekends. Is there a big project or something?" Concern laces in her voice this time and he shuts his eyes tight. "Since Fiat moved in, I had thought you cut down on working at home. Where is that boy anyway? I miss him."

"No big project. Just wanting to get the annoying part of work out of the way. Fiat is out meeting someone today, so I'm alone," Leo sighs. He swivels in his chair and his eyes catch onto a piece of clothing that got caught on the cabinet door.

"You know, Fiat's mom mentioned that you guys have been living well and are not trashing the place." Leo hums at the obvious sharing of information between the mothers and ends up fixing the closet. "Everything is comfortable right? I know you are two grown men, but I really do love that you guys are together again."

"Of course, Mae. We've really gotten closer. You and Fiat's mom confuse us when you guys ask these things. You say you want us to be closer and are happy we are living together, but also question if we are really okay with this and are getting along," Leo's eyes catch on an unfamiliar shirt and he pulls out out of the cabinet to look at it. He has never seen Fiat wear it. A brand name, stylish, and not Fiat's style.

"We've wanted you guys to reconnect for so long, but we also know how much the two of you have grown. You guys aren't just putting up a front right? You get along and not in each other's business?" Leo hangs the shirt back and clears his throat. We're in each other's business.

"We honestly only have the weekend to spend time with each other. How could we get in each other's business? As of right now, neither of you have anything to worry about. I promise you, we are having fun and enjoying ourselves as we catch up and really grow our relationship."

"Your friendship has always been one that we could never question," His mother sighs. "Well, I have to go now. Don't stare at your computer for too long, okay? And have Fiat call me when you get the chance. I miss him."

"He has his own mother to call, Mae. I'll let him know you called and that you miss him. Bye, Mae. Talk to you again soon," Leo rushes to end the call and sighs the moment it ends. His mind trails back to the shirt in the cabinet and frowns before shaking his head to clear his mind.

The sudden need for a better distraction, Leo walks over to the kitchen and searches the cabinets and fridge for something to snack on. He frowns as the majority is filled with Fiat's favorites and groans as he shuts all the doors without anything in his hands.

He walks over to the balcony and tiredly plops onto one of the chairs. "I wonder if he is okay. I haven't heard from him since he arrived."

To say he was worried, jealous and bothered by that fact is an understatement. He reassures Fiat that he is fine and is even the one to suggest for him to leave, but the tiny voice in his head brought up all of the worst scenarios.

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