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"Hmmph." When Leo woke, the stiffness of his muscles aches with every move. He slowly blinked his eyes open and had to remind himself of where he is. Suddenly aware of the silence, he shoots up, ignoring the aches and pain in search for his caretaker. "Fiat?"

A head pops out from the couch and Leo relaxes. "You're up. You okay?"

Fiat stands and makes his way over. The entire time, Leo just sits there and watches him approach him and bring a hand up to his forehead. "My body aches, but why are you laying on the couch?"

"I'll grab you a pain reliever," Fiat mumbles and walks away. The lack of emotion in his voice makes Leo frown. He can vaguely remember the worried voice Fiat had for him earlier. Now he is back to his stoic self. "Here. I'll reheat the soup and some bread for you to take with it."

"Thank you," Leo mumbles. He is so use to being the one to take care of Fiat, even though those times were when they were younger. Unlike their parents promised, they never had time to visit each other and the flight prices soared year after year. Then as they grow older and have busier lives, the idea of it just faded.

Not long after, Leo is presented with his meal and he quietly eats while Fiat sits at the edge of the bed. Leo would glance back at him between bites and found him staring at him all throughout his meal.

"Are you not going to eat?" Leo questions. Since this morning, he has not seen him eat.

"Just focus on eating yourself..." Fiat says in a soft voice as he finally averts his gaze. Leo complies in silence and remains watching the other.

A knock at the door grabs their attention. Fiat checks the clock before standing to get the door. It makes Leo frown unconsciously, especially when a shady man appears at the other side. Leo sits up a little straighter and tries to listen in, but they keep their voices hushed with vague words. Fiat clears his throat and moves to turn around, so Leo lowers his eyes to make it seem like he was not trying to eavesdrop. From the corner of his eye he can see Fiat digging through his cabinet and pulling out a box. Carefully, Leo keeps his focus on Fiat as he returns to the door and hands the box over. They talk a bit more before the guy leaves.

"I know you want to ask, but don't," Fiat instructs as he grabs something from his fridge. Leo's lower lip juts out. When Fiat turns back around to see it, he sighs. "Vague story and short - it regards something I need to make sure I have funds for."


"If you're feeling better, I should take you back to your place. I have a shift tonight, so I wouldn't be able to help you anyway," Fiat cuts him off for the nth time and it makes him frustrated. Leo is getting tired of it, but at least he is able to see Fiat. "Are you done eating?"

"Yeah..." Leo mumbles looking down at his plate. Fiat takes it from him and he stands. "Can I freshen up before we go?"

Fiat glances at the clock and nods. Leo drags himself across the small studio and enters the matching quaint bathroom. When he steps back out he finds a well dressed young man lining his eyes with a dark pencil.

"I always wanted to ask, why do you wear makeup?" He walks up behind Fiat and looks at him through his reflection.

"It looks good," Fiat shrugs. He then turns his head side to side to check his appearance and nods approvingly.

"It makes you look intense and intimidating. Is that what looking good is?" Leo tilts his own head as he leans down to hover over Fiat's shoulder.

"Does it not?" Fiat turns his head and Leo's eyes widen at the slightest as their noses brush against each other. Leo suddenly feels frozen under Fiat's gaze and keeps his mouth shut. "Well, Leo? Can you say that this does not look enticing and good on me?"

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