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"ANSWER ME! WHAT THE FUCK WAS YOUR PLAN, JENNIE? KEEP ME AND JONGIN, EACH IN THE PALM OF YOUR HAND? DURING THE DAY DO YOU STAY NEXT TO HIM TO KEEP THAT YOUR PERFECT BITCH IMAGE AND AT NIGHT DO YOU COME TO SLEEP IN MY BED?" the nerd's words are still inside my head. It's as if Krystal has tattooed it all in my ears, and now that's all I can hear.

I punch the wall and kick the chair that spins in the middle of the room, hitting the wall and knocking over some pictures.

What happened last week with Krystal was humiliating and I felt responsible for seeing her crying so much, but after everything that happened yesterday, I don't even know how I should feel anymore.

All I know is that I'm tired of being used, by everyone. For my parents, for Jennie, for my friends and even for Krystal.

My parents' business was practically broken, contracts were being canceled and there was nothing that could be done to get around the situation. Until Sehun was here and talked about Jennie Kim. I managed to see the magic lamp lighting up over my parents' heads.

A contract with Jennie's parents' company would be our lifeline, but my parents didn't want to go the right way, they used me to get the contract. You must be wondering how it happened, right?

"Jongin, you're going to seduce and get involved with Jennie Kim and you're going to start dating, when our families get closer, things will flow as they should." that's what my father said.

"But I don't like Jennie."

"How come you don't like her? I don't care!"

"Jennie's beautiful, but I'm not attracted to her. There must be another way for you..."


Whenever I remember that day, I feel so much hate for doing what that bastard wanted.

It was difficult at first, until I learned what Jennie was like. She always liked to order and for everyone to do what she wanted, but then I learned that was it. I needed to pretend to do what she wanted and everything was fine between us, except the sex part.

Jennie's beautiful, sexy and seductive, everyone knows that, but I couldn't be attracted to her. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't do it. I even went to a doctor, hidden, to see what was wrong with me, but there was nothing, no problem and that made me more frustrated than I already was. Jennie was starting to get annoyed at not being able to satisfy herself, but there was nothing I could do.

Until one of the after game parties, one that Jennie wasn't, for some reason, I ended up drinking too much and Krystal took the chance. I thought she was cute, we had already exchanged a few looks before Jennie and I started dating, so everything worked perfectly. The problem wasn't me, the problem was who I was attracted to.

I tried to run away and stay away from Krystal, but I couldn't resist for a long time with her attacks and that's how we ended up getting involved. It was easy to be with Krystal, it was easy to talk to her, everything was simple, the opposite of what it was like to be with Jennie. I always needed to think about everything I would talk to Jennie because I couldn't make her angry, I couldn't do anything that would threaten the contract between companies.

It was a prison. I was stuck with Jennie and it didn't look like our dating would end. When she started to be in a good mood and distant, I worried, but it was the first time that I could breathe calmly without worrying about doing something wrong.

We were the perfect couple, the popular, everything was fine, until my dad came home complaining about Jennie's parents. That they were talking about me not visiting them and not traveling with them anymore.

And we went again. I was forced to run after Jennie and try to fix things, even though I saw in her eyes that she no longer wanted to know about me and something told me that there was someone else, and that it wasn't Krystal.

The idea of ​​the invitation to the dance came from my mother and my father was almost scared, because Jennie put a definitive end between us, shaking the company again. I didn't think she was going to accept the request, but I also know that Jennie cares what everyone thinks of her. She wants everyone's approval, she wants to be loved, she wants the world at her feet. So when everyone started to press and she said yes, clearly forced, I felt bad for her, but it felt good to know that things were safe, at least at home.

I was feeling bad about myself. I missed being with Krystal, hell, I was in love with her! But she was putting more and more pressure on me to leave Jennie and that was something I couldn't even think about, or my dad would kill me.

Krystal's intense and vindictive, but I didn't think she would do that. Exposing us that way to everyone at the dance and when I saw Jennie crying, I knew I fucked up. In the worst possible way.

But it was only yesterday that I found out that it wasn't because of me that she was crying, it was because of the nerd. It was for the girl who lived in fights with her and I came to think that they were going too far in the teasing, especially after the older Kim pushed Jennie into the pool.

I was being betrayed and used. If she only had the courage to tell me that she liked girls, I wouldn't mind having a dating to help her, but Jennie chose to use me, to keep her image perfect, while she was rolling around with that bitch who nicknamed me Captain Useless and humiliated me in the biggest game of the championship.

I had my dignity destroyed by Jennie Kim, but I can fix that. Krystal tried to end Jennie's popularity, but I'll make her heart be deceived and destroyed.

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