This is Perfect

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Tamaki didn't know what to think about his life. He often looked back on his early highschool days, filled with fear, shame, and doubt. He looked back on who he was before everything happened. Before he started dating Mirio, before Neijire died, before his mom died.

Things were better now, he learned to cope with the help of Mirio, but it hurt for a long time. His throat would often go sore from the sore from the screaming and crying, but things were better.

Neijire had been the first to go. It wasn't anybodies fault really, it just felt like it could have been preventable. Neijire was on a patrol when someone had just came up to her and shot her. The man hadn't looked suspicious and just looked like a fan who wanted to meet their favorite hero.

He wad arrested right away, it turned out he was some heavily abused man, who turned into the abuser as he grew. His name wad Hishiro. Hishiro had grown in a household with a father who hit both his child and wife. Hishiro's father had belived women were corrupt beings and were only worth keeping alive if they were 'tamed' and were kept submissive.

After her debut, Neijire had been one of the most popular young hero's to graduate U.A. Her fans loved her because of how inclusive she was and how much love she could spread. That's probably the man reason she was targeted, because she was a poweful pretty woman.

Neijire's sidekick at the time, who had also been shot but had survived, said ahe remebered the look in Neijire's eyes as she hit the ground. The sidekick said it wad the first time she had ever seen Neijire without that sparkle in her eye.

When Tamaki and Mirio had gotten the news they had been eating leftovers in their apartment. Both of them had no idea their bestfriend had just died until they got the call. Then, their sweet little night of just talking and eating turned into a dark spiral.

Tamaki doesn't remember much about the few months after Neijire died. He only remembered the pain and the crying, and the late nights of just holding Mirio while they both grieved. Even now as Tanaki had come to terms with Neijire's death, he still regrets her not being able to see the wedding. Or to be able to Neijire's wedding. Neijire looked so pretty in white.

Then, 2judt as Tamaki was feeling better, finally accpeting his friend was gone and never coming back, he got another gruesome call. His mother had passed. She was getting older, but she wasn't that old. Apartently she had a cold and due to a lack of getting vaccinated and old age, Kona had passed in her sleep.

Mistu was in the middle of highschool and it hit her the hardest. After all, she was the one to find her mom's body. Mistu had simply not seen her mom all day, so she went to check on her. She was torn apart when she saw her mom seemingly sleeping, but without a pulse.

For Tamaki, the recovery was eaiser with his mom, because Mirio was completely mentally health at the time. They had both been with each other when Neijire had died of course, but they were both hurt and didn't know how it process it right away. So if they couldn't fix themsleves it would be hard to help fix someone else.

Mirio loved Kona, hr truely did, and he was sad to hear she passed, but he knew how hard it would hit Tamaki, espically after Neijire. So he was there for him always. Most days would be holding Tamaki and helping him do simple things, like bathing, eating, getting dressed. All the energy Tamaki ever had was put into his hero work. A bad part about hero work was most hero's were given a week of free time to grieve, maybe two if you agnecy wad kind and it was a close family member.

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