Sneaky Neijire

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Tamaki sat on his suitcase to pack everything into it. He didn't remeber having this many clothes, or this small of a suitcase.

They were leaving for their trip the next morning and it was currently around midnight. Being so concerned about how things would turn out on the trip Tamaki had forgotten to pack.

Neijire had stopped by his dorm after class and asked if he had finished packing yet. She laughed loudly when he gave her that petrified look.

Tamaki didn't think he was packing that much. He had one pair of sleep clothes, a pair of clothes for each day since the cabin they were staying in didn't have a washer or drier, and then all his toiletries. Just everything he needed. Yet, his suitcase was throwing up from every angle.

He shoved the suitcase under his bed, hopefully he wouldn't forget it in the morning.

It was so late and yet Tamaki didn't feel tires at all. He felt wide awake. He was going to spend a whole weekend with Mirio. Oh- and Neijire.

He was worried about being with Mirio though. Being so close to Mirio might trigger him to do or say soemthing that he would regret.

He could already imagine himself just having a normal conversation with Mirio and then just blurting-

" I love you! "

Then Mirio would give him that disgusted look and then Tamaki would end up heart broken. He didn't want to find out if he was some weird yandere and he would just s n a p.

He was like almost every high schooler with a crush, scared or rejectoin.

Neijire had given him a number of pep talks but every time he thought he was ready to confess his anxiety would come up and bite him in the butt. Then he wouldn't look Mirio in the eye for a straight 24 hours.

He was starting to wonder if he would ever be able to confess his feelings. Maybe he was doomed to watch from the sidelines forever.

A small knock came on his door. Who would it be? Who was up this late?

" W-who's there? "

He gulped. He hoped it wasn't a villain, even though it seemed impossible, but even at U.A it was possible.

His door slowly creaked open to reveal . . .

" It's just me Tamaki "

The blue headed girl stepped into his room. Tamaki felt his heart slowly come bask down to its normal rate.

" Hey Tama-chan! I just wanted to come check on you one last night before the big trip tomorrow "

Neijire held something behind her back but Tamaki didn't mind. It would most likely be some weird object taht she could make a pun out of to make him laugh.

Neijire was always so kind. Mirio was also kind but they had different levels. Mirio used touches and kind words to make Tamaki feel better. Neijire used humor and smiles to make him feel better.

Either way he had the perfect friends. He would never ask for anything else.
" I-im doing pretty okay . . .just anxious I guess "

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