Just a Little Nightmare

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It's was around one a.m. The dorms were completely silent. No one was awake, no one was moving, nor making sound. That was until Tamaki gasped loudly.

The boy's eyes shot open wide, his body launching up into the straightest posture than ever before eventually hunching over so hard it made his stomach hurt.

Tamaki felt the tightening in his lung as they closed and his mouth hung open uselessly. He gasped and choked for air but nothing came in. He frantically batted at his chest until finally, finally, he took in a long gulp of air.

There was only one explanation for this, a nightmare. No normal nightmare. This wasn't about some psychopathic murder chasing the male through the streets of Japan. No, This was much worse.

Tamaki opened his eyes to complete darkness. He had never been one to fear the dark but this time it had a terrible atmosphere that made his stomach turn.

He desperately started calling for someone, anyone. He stuck his hands out in front of him and started to walk aimlessly around, to see if maybe there were walls he could follow to a light switch.

His hand hit something else however. It was the back of another person. In front of him, Mirio appeared, glowing like the first star in the night sky.

" M-mirio? W-where are we? "

The other male didn't answer his question, he simply stood there silent for a long time. Tamaki was about to ask if something was wrong but Mirio cut him off.

" I can't believe you Tamaki, how can you be this stupid? I mean I talk to you once and you think it just gives you the okay to stick around? You follow me like a lost puppy and it's so pathetic! "

Mirio didn't sound like Mirio, he had never said anything bad to Tamaki. Tamaki felt tears well in his eye just from that small amount of speach. He started trembling and the fat and hot tears rolled down his cheeks.

" M-m-mirio? "

The blonde male scowled and barred his teeth, slightly turning his head to see Tamaki. His blue eyes filled with rage, his voice coated in thick layers of venom.

" God how stupid can you be! Leave! Get out of here! I don't care about you, okay? Is that clear enough or do I have to say it again? "

Mirio was gone in the blink of an eye, leaving Tamaki in the dark again. He was left alone to cry and sob to himself. It felt like the floor shattered and he started falling when he finally woke up.

Just thinking about it made Tamaki cry. Mirio really hated him. How could he be so blind to the fact. Mirio had just to kind of a heart to tell him.

Tamaki heard whispers, soft and mischievous, evil little sentences being passed back and forth. His eyes darted around the room, shadows.

They were everywhere, covering the walls, crawling over his book shelves, peeking out from behind his closet door.

Tamaki shook in fear as they all got louder with their insults, their hate. Some copying his family's voice, other copying classmates, a few copied Mirio's, and lastly only a select few took on his own voice. They got bigger and closer. Tamaki crawled to the corner of the bed, his back pressing against both walls.

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