Feels like home

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Everything was a blur. Nothing had a shape it was just a mix of random colors. Words missed together into just sounds that Tamaki's mind could process.

Some people are strong. Some peopel can go through terrifying experiences and come out just as lively as they were before. Tamaki wasn't like that.

He was easily spoked and the tiniest thing could get his shaking like an earthquake.

It's not that Tamaki didn't want to be strong. It was a thing he wanted so desperately but he couldn't have. No matter how hard he tried or what he did, he just couldn't find that strength.

All heros had that strength. It was that strength that let them start every day with a smile on their face and the mind setting that yeah today might be tough but I'll get through it. It was that strength that let them meet fans and sign things and do interviews.

Sometimes Tamaki wondered if he would ever become a hero.

He felt himself move. Well he did move but he was being moved. Two strong things wrapped around his waist and lifted him upwards. Thoes things, what were they? They felt warm and kinda hard but also squishy. They felt familair but he still couldn't put his finger on it.

His chest was pressed into another warm thing. It was similar to the things that lifted him up but there was more of it. It felt like a big rectangle. Whatever it was Tamaki liked it. It was just comfottable, like something he would sleep on.

The two object that had lifted him were now jn different places. One was under his bum, supporting him so he was kept up. The other was across his back, keeping him from falling backwards.

There were sounds, sounds detected at him. He could make them out. This was all so frustrating! He couldn't even tell what simple things were and it was annoying him.

Tamaki let out a frustrated whimper. He could muster anything more. He felt so empty and tired.

There was another sound, but this time he was able to tell what it was.

" Shhh . . ."

There were more sounds after that but he couldn't piece them together. At least he got a small part of the sentence. He couldn't tell who was speaking.

This made him panic. He couldn't do anything about it though. He couldn't tell who was speaking to him. He couldn't tell who was there. He couldn't tell where he was. Maybe it was his father. Maybe his father was kidnapping him!

The male struggled to move. He struggle to do something, to somehow fight back. Nothing happened. He just stayed still.

His body started to tremble out of fear. He wanted to go home.  Whether that be his dorm room or his mother's house. Either of thoes places would be great now.

There was the feeling of something wet roll down his cheeks. Was he crying? He couldn't tell.

He had been so caught up in his own thoughts he hadn't even registered the fact that he was now moving. The thing holding him had started to move or walk.

Now that Tamaki really thought gard about to a person was holding him for sure. He still couldn't tell who.

The temperature around him changed. It went form cool and slightly windy to warm and not windy at all.

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