Why are you here?

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It took forever to get the kimono on. Tamaki felt to embarrassed to let Neijire help so she could only instruct him what to do from the other side of the door. Since he only had to go on words which were muffled by the wood, he made mistakes. Lots and lots of mistakes.

At times he wanted to just give up and go back but Neijire was blocking the door and she wouldn't him pass. She would if it got to bad but he seemed to be okay for now.

Thirty minutes later and Tamaki had finally got on the kimono. Although the trial and error section of time spent was quiet annoying he was glad he decided to keep going.

It look nice and neat and in all honesty it fit his frame perfectly, he would never complement himself though. That'd just not who he was.

Tamaki was almost scared to walk out. It wasn't a problem with a kimono itself but he just wasn't used to wearing them. Plus normally only the females in his family wore them.

He gave himself one last look in the mirror. Did he really look good? Would people stare? Would he trip and get the kimono all dirty?  Would Mirio like it?

" Tama-chan? Is everything alright?  You've been silent for a while. "

Neijire voice was a bit urgent from the other side of the door. She was hoping Tamaki hadn't died from embarrassment half way through getting dressed

" Y-y-yeah . . .y-you can c-come in "

Tamaki wasn't ready for someone to see him like this but he needed Neijire oppion before he went out to show Mirio.

Mirio was trying his best to be patient from the couch. Why was it taking so long to get dressed? Neijire warned him that if he had gone back there without permission she would personally beat him.

Trust him, you do not want to get into a fight with Neijire.  She seems all innocent and like she's and airhead but every time she's had to help out a hero with a stubborn villain ( after she got her licence of coarse ) she does not show much mercy.

Mirio tried to distract himself but all he could focus on were the derivation that Tamaki was being given. No matter how much he thought he could not think of what Tamaki was wearing.

Whatever it was it sounded hard to manage and something that Mirio could not do.

Mirio like to dress simply. That doesn't mean that he wear t-shirts and gym shorts all the time.  It just means he won't wear soemthing that need more to be slid on or buttoned.

Neijire carefully stepped into the and she gasped when she saw Tamaki.  He looked adorable. Everything tied together, his frame,  the color of the kimono which matched with his hair. Tamaki's red face just gave it a pop of color.

" Tamaki you look great we gotta show Togata, come on! "

Neijire grabbed his wrist to try and drag him along but Tamaki was practically glued to the floor. He couldn't look away from his image in the mirror.

He didn't believe what Neijire had said. It was in one ear and our the other. He look terrible. He could leave this room.  It would be shameful. He never should have tried this on.

His mouth felt dry and the room started to loss color. His whole body felt like an earth quake. He wanted someone to save him. Someone to save him from his own mind which was currently choking him.

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