Lavenders are his favorite

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It was a crisp cool morning. A regular morning really. The birds were singing and the flowers were blooming. It honestly sounded like some cliché story.

Tamaki shimmed into his black pants and tight black shirt.  He slid his light purple apron over thoes two things and he was ready for work. Yes work.

It had been about a week since spring break and Tamaki tried his best to not think about it. However,  it's proven that when you try to keep a spesific thought out of your head then that thought will pop up more than any other.

Tamaki would get the occasional nightmare or he would take hours apron hours just thinking about that one day.

In attempt to get to take his mind off of it he got a job. Well a part time job. He couldn't work all week of coarse cause he had school and training but he could work over the weekends so that's what he did.

Tamaki can admit that it wasn't just for his sake.  He knew his mother was struggling with money. U.A was a very expensive school.  Paying for one kid to go there cost a lot of money. Paying for two kids to go there was a whole whole lot of moeny.

With Mitsu thinking about going to U.A Tamaki knew he would have to help his family. He would step in since his douche bag of a father didn't pay any child support.

In the end the job Tamaki chose a job at a flower shop. It was in a good part of town and the owner of the shop was this sweet old lady that always offered him lemonade.

There were only two others workers in the shop. The first one was a girl named Emily.

Emily was a very short and thin girl. Dispite this fact She was a fistey fire cracker. She was sweet and all but any customers that even thought about messing up the flowers before they bought them she would be ready to beat someone up. Of coarse it never happened but it got close to happening.

The other person working there was also a girl but she was different from Emily. Haru was a very sweet girl that always did her job right.

Haru was like a mix of Emily and Tamaki. She was sweet and quiet but she also wouldn't take shit from anybody. She wasn't a shy kitten ( unlike Tamaki )

Speaking of Tamaki he was currently heading out for work, however he had to do soemthing before he left.

We walked over to his bed and scooted across it until he was next to the wall. He knocked on the wall and then backed up a small bit so there was more room. Soon enough his boyfriends head popped through the wall. Like always he had that bright smile.

Tamaki leaned in and gave the face a soft peck on the lips before pulling back and smiling very softly.

" Have a good day at work baby! Remeber to call me if anything happens or if you need me for anything. Remeber no problem is too small and I will always come to help. If you want I could come wit- "

Tamaki put his hand on Mirio's face and tried to push it back through the other side of the wall.

" Hey! "

Tamaki snickered and gave the pouting face and kiss on the nose.

" Sorry you were droning on and on. If I didn't stop you then then you might never stop. I have to get going or I'll be late "

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