Some gravy for you, and you, and you too (Thanksgiving Special )

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" Ahhhh-! "

Tamaki screamed out as his foot slipped off the self He was using to make hismelf taller. The box on the top self has been way to high up for him to reach so he tried to stand on the shelf.

It didn't work so he tired to jump a little to see ig he could safelt grab it and pull it down but it didn't work out how he wanted it too. He ended up pulling the box but before he could celebrate he felt hid foot slip off it's perch.

He could feel himself fall, almost like in slow-mo. At the same time it happened faster then he could  comprehend.

Tamaki's back smacked against the hard wooden floor of the storage room. The air left his body as he gasped and his mouth hung open as the box he was trying to grab opened and the contents slipped out all over him.

The empty box landed a few feet away. Now Tamaki had a huge mess to clean up.

" Tamaki? "

Haru poked her head around the corner, voice filled with worry. Tamaki sat up in and cough a few miniature clay turkeys.

" Why do we need so many turkeys? I don't think if ever made so many bird themed reffs in my entire life "

Haru chuckled and went over to help him up, being careful not to step on any miny clay birds or valuable body parts.

It was the time if year when the weather was getting colder and the leaves were turning beautiful shades of red, orange, and yellow. The breeze was always perfect and the constantly smelled like burning birch wood.

That is unless you worked in a flower shop like Tamaki did. In that case then all you could ever smell was the constant over powering scent of cinniamon. No matter where he went that scent haunted Tamaki.

" Why do we need so many tiny turkeys anyways, its a day away from thanksgiving so why are people still trying to buy thanks giving reffs? "

" Well it's the same reason soccer moms buy Halloween candy on Halloween day. "

Tamaki nodded. He had done that a few times. He kept forgetting until the day he had to do something and he hadn't even started. He really needes to stop doing that.

" Spekaing of that you better get to reefing  Tama-chan. People are starting to get angry "

Suddenly there was a yell from the main room. Emily yelled and there were sounds of thumps and crashes could be heard.

" Calm down people! The reefs are coming just stay calm- stay behind the counter! Don't you even think about it old man! "

Tamaki gulped at how crazy it sounded out there. He nodded and Haru helped him clean up the mess befor3e Emily called for heer help.

Tamaki sstarted to get to work, grabbing the basic things he needed for the Thanksgiving themed reef. He grabbed at least ten tiny turkeys.

As always Tamaki got lost in thought while he pieces the reefs together.

This year Mirio was very determined to cook Thanksgiving dinner for Neijire, Mirio's family, and Tamaki all alone. He didn't want any help what so ever and Tamaki thought he was compeltely insane.

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