Cute Kimonos and Adorable Dorks

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" T-t-the stars are beautiful "

" Not as beautiful as you "

" H-huh? "

Tamaki felt a hand brush over his own and his face turned bright pink. Wait- what was happening. He's dreaming. No he's not dreaming. Like he wasn't dreaming the other day during Mirio's massage. This is real.

" Tamaki ".

Two fingers gently moved Tamaki head so he was looking Mirio in the eye. Mirio looked like Tamaki. Blushing, shaking slightly with that worried look in his eyes.

Without Tamaki notice the blonde leaned forward . . .

Tamaki panicked on the inside. What was he supposed to. Mirio was coming and it didn't look like he was going to stop. His poor little heart couldn't take this. He couldn't feel it beating in his chest anymore. It was dead. He was dead. Mentally of coarse.

Tamaki's never kissed a person. Anyone could guess that. If he didn't have enough guts to talk to a teacher then how in the world would he have enough guts to kiss anyone.

Mirio continued to lean forward, his lips slightly parted, just enough to let out soft warm breaths.

Mirio got close enough for Tamaki to feel his breath on his own soft pink lips. Tamaki studied Mirio's lips in the few seconds he had before their lips would cash together. Mirio's lips were a deeper pink then Tamaki's, he knew Mirio has kissed a few other people. Mostly just from spin the bottle games and mistletoe from Christmas parties. They were slightly chapped, Mirio always forgot chapstick.

Their lips were almost a centimeter away and Tamaki . . . Quickily looked down.

" Oh . . . "

Tamaki didn't mean to! He swore on his life! He couldn't think straight (literally) so he did the first thing he thought to do. The sound of Mirio's hurt voice felt like fifty daggers to his heart.

Now he was in a worse place than when this all started. He had huge feelings for this man and yet he had just looked down when he tried to kiss him.

How could Tamaki save this sistuation. When is a hero when you need one!

Why did Tamaki look away? He didn't know why exactly. He wanted this. He wanted to kiss Mirio. He had to stop being so scared. If he wanted something he had to take it while it was there, before it was swept away by someone else. And now he's using Mirio's kiss as an object.

He looked up, the scene physically hurt him. Mirio was staring at his lap and he was . . .shaking. The strongest person Tamaki knew was shaking because he thought Tamaki had rejected him. Tamaki could let this happen.

For once Tamaki cupped Mirio's cheeks and turned his face up so the faced each other.

Small little drops of water had collect on the rim of Mirio's eyes. God this really hurt.

" Tama-mph! "

The blonde tried to speak, he was cut off by Tamaki's lips crashing into his own.

In all honesty it had shocked the both of them. Mirio didn't suspect to be kissed and Tamaki didn't believe he had the guts to kiss Mirio.

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