O-oh Hi Mom

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" M-mirio! "

Tamaki yelled slightly at his boyfriend as he gently smacked Mirio's chest to wake him up. The blonde groaned a bit and his eyes slowly opened, but only a small bit.

" Hm? What is it Tama? "

Mirio mumbled as he closes his eyes and tried to snuggle back into the warmth of his boyfriend's back but he was only gently smacked awake again.

" We have a problem you dummy! "

Tamaki yelled at him. It wasn't a really yell it was like a pouty toddler almost. It wasn't real and it didn't sound real but Tamaki was still sort of upset.

Mirio finally let out a soft sigh and got up for real. He yawned loudly and then stretched, his back cracking in multiple different places.

Tamaki got up to go look in the mirror Mirio had on the back of his door. A bright purple mark stood out like a light on his pale flesh. God his mom was going to kill him if she saw this.

On top of that there was no possible way Tamaki would be able to walk around school with a huge hickey on his neck. He'd die of embarrassment before he even got the chance to walk out of Mirio's dorm.

Mirio got up and even though he was awake he was still tired. He shuffled over to Tamaki and wrapped his arms around the boy from behind. Tamaki huffed a bit and tired to turn away in faux anger.

" Y-you went too far last night dummy "

Tamaki tried to accuse Mirio but because of how affectionate the other was being it was nearly impossible to get mad.

Mirio let out a warm chuckle and gently kissed around the spot, making Tamaki squirm under his grip.

" You know you like it baby- "

" Mirio! Don't make it worse! "

" Hehe okay sorry sorry! "

Mirio couldn't help but laugh from the pity smacks that Tamaki had been abusing his chest with. It was adorable.

Tamaki put his hand over Mirio's lips to keep them contained. Tamaki could feel Mirio pout against his hand before he started to place soft little kisses to his palm.

Tamaki sighed in defeat and then let his hand fall down to his side. He then let himself lean into his boyfriends chest, just melt into the warmth.

" Don't worry Tama, I'm sure Neijire will be able to cover it up with all her makeup. She's got buckets full. Plus even if she can't I wouldn't mind you walking around with my hickey "

Mirio had said the last part with more of a seductive tone which made Tamaki groan in embarrassment.

" Mirio! You might not,mind but I do, people would stare! Then ask questions about it! Questions Mirio! "

Mirio couldn't help hut burst out into a laugh. He couldn't help but almost start crying at how scared his boyfriend sounded my mentioning 'questions'.

" Baby it'll all be okay I promise you. I'll walk around school covering you neck all day if it comes down to it. Who cares about  classes anyways "

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