Is this a date or is this a disaster?

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When you think about a firat date, what do you think about? It's different for ever person. Maybe you see it as a meal at a nice restuarant, or maybe a walk through the park, or maybe even a glass of wine at home while watching a movie. It's different for every person.

For Tamaki, he didn't care. Honestly before he had knew about his feelings for Mirio he wasn't thinking about any of that stuff. Any time he did, it was all about how nobody would ever want to have any type if date with him because he was to much to handle.

Now that it was his first date he was over the moon. The whole day he was pratically bouncing on his feet and giggling like some child. At heart Tamaki was still a child.

Mirio wanted everything to be a suprised, which killed Tamaki and made him more excited at the same time. Tamaki had never like secrets because once he knew it was a secret he wanted to know about it more than anything in the world. If he didn't know then he coukd spend hours upon hours just trying to think of what it could possibly be.

The only thing Mirio did tell him was that he should what to eat, which meant they were most likely going out to eat somewhere, but even then there were still a lot of possibilities. 

They could be having a picnic, or Mirio could make a home made meal, or they could be going out to a nice resturant.

To be honest he didn't care what they did. As long as it wasnt Mirio trying to get Tamaki to buy or try on lingerie then he would be happy. The love of his life was taking him out on a date, and he didn't feel pressured or scared. He felt happy.

Sometimes Tamaki would take a few minutes to realize how lucky he acutally was.

So many people admitted the liked their crushes, and they were just rejected. Sometimes Tamaki didn't understand how someone could do that to that to another person. That person was already putting so much out there by confessing to them and they take advantage of that just to hirt them more and make them even more sensitive. It was almost like pure evil.

Tamaki put his thoughts aside as he stared endlessly into his closet. He honestly didn't know what to wear. Most of his wardrobe wasn't formal. He prefered comfortable big clothing that he could easily hide his body in. Plus he had never thought to buy anything fancy because he never really liked going to fancy things.

Tamaki started to move hangers around, carefull studying each item to see if it would be even remotely good enough to wear to this date.

In the end he came up empty handed. He really didn't know what to do. It was to late to try and go buy something and there was no way that Tamaki was going to go ask Mirio if he coukd borrow something.

There was only one option left. . .

Neijires door opened a few seconds after Tamaki had knocked and with pleading eyes the male begged.

" Neigire please please help me- I dont have anything to wear and you're the only person I know who has a good sense of fashion! "

In reality this was the only person Tamaki knew that he could talk to other than his teacher.

" Slow down Tama-chan. Of coarse i can help you! "

The bubbly girl grabbed his hand and quickily pulled him inside. She walked over to her closet and pulled out a box that was labled ' Tama-chan '. The male raised an eyebrow but stepped closer as she opened the lid.

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