The One With F.R.I.E.N.D.S

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Mirio has a question for all of you. If you feel shaking, like intense shaking, and you were mostly asleep, would you try to wake up. He supposed he really should wake up because it might be an earth quake and he might have to save people.

But God Damn it, the bed was warm and he was comfortable.

He lazily peaked his eyelids open and he waited for his eyes to adjust. Not that there was much to adjust to, the room was almost pitch black.

The only source of light was the moonlight coming through the windows, but to be honesty that just sounds like a cliche.

He figure out that there was nothing to worry about. Everything wasn't shaking it was just Tamaki who was in his arms.

Since it was nothing serious he just simply closed his eyes again and tried to fall back asleep.

Wait. Take a step back. Tamaki was shaking in his sleep which meant nightmare which meant Mirio had to get up and wake Tamaki up.

Getting up was a hard part but the very hardest part of this was untangling himself from Tamaki. Through out the night Tamaki had found a way to intangled both their legs and their arms more than they already had.

It was like trying to undo a ball of rubber bands. It was difficult and sometimes if you pulled the wrong way it would hurt.

Mirio sat up and flipped the light on. Now with the room dimly lit he could see how much Tamaki was really really shaking.  He was clutching onto the sheets as tight as any person could hold onto anything.

This was one hell of a nightmare. 

Mirio now didn't know how to approach this.  If Tamaki was anything like Mirio's older brother then when he woke Tamaki up he would have to quickly to avoid getting smacked or kicked. Then again, this was Tamaki we're talking about. Moving so fast to avoid a hit that might not even be coming may just scare the boy even more.

Mirio had to take this gamble. In his eyes this was worse then gambling even if it was sort of like gambling.

Tamaki's shaking was starting to increase if that even was possible.  The expression on Tamaki's face actually hurt Mirio. He just looked so scared, and he was scared from something that wasn't even there. Mirio couldn't spend anymore time trying to figure out which way was the best way to go he just had to choose one and go for it. 

In a quick thought he choose to just wake Tamaki up as quick as he could. He couldn't see that face any longer and there was no was in hell that he was going to even take the chance of scarying Tamaki more. 

The blonde sat down onto the bed and then slowly moved Tamaki so it would be easy to wake up. 

" Tamaki honey, wake up you're having a nightmare it's not real. "

Mirio lightly  shook the boy and the reaction he got was one he wasn't  prepared for. 

Tamaki's hands had let go of the sheets and gripped onto Mirio's shirt instead. Tamaki had never moved so fast in his life. Mirio couldn't even attempt to talk to Tamaki because he couldn't, the boy already beat him too it.

"  I'm weak i'm so weak. I can't be a hero, I can't, I can't, I can't! I'm not made for this! I'm going to  fail- "

Tamaki's tears were falling like fat raindrops in an intense storm.  A storm that wasn't  going to stop anytime soon.

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