Surprise Message

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Mirio stared at his homework. He wasn't focused and he couldn't focus either. Something just felt off.

He texted Tamaki to see if maybe he was in distress but no, Tamaki was at the mall with some classmates doing a study seasion. Neijire was in the group as well so Tamaki didn't feel anxious.

Mirio check on his family but everyone said they were fine. Nobody really question the random text because Mirio was anuce guy and constantly checked on people.

The blonde tried to tell himself it was okay. There was clearly nothing wromg do why should he worry?

Well he didn't know why but he was!

He felt like there was a jack-hammer pounding in his chest that didn't let him realx.

He stood up, homework long forgotten. He felt a rush if aderlnale and to deal with it he exrcised. He Did sit-ups, push-ups, all of the ups he do but nothing seemed to helped this feeling.

He wondered if this was the feeling of anxiety Tamaki got when he had a panic attack.

Mirio sighed seeing as calmling himself wasn't an option. He would just have too wait it out.

If his boyfriend was here he would most likely go over to his dorm and then just lay his head on his lap and let Tamaki pet his hair.

The couple made a habbit of doing that at least once a week. If they didn't Mirio would get all pouty the next Monday. He could be child-ish. Correction, Mirio was a child.

Mirio guessed it would be a good hour or so before Tamaki got back so he would just have to survive until then. It seemed harder than it should've been.

Mirio felt jumpy almost. He couldn't explain any of these feeling but it didn't matter because he still felt them and they sucked.

Mirio got off the floor which he had been laying on for his pull-ups and sat back down at his desk chair. Maybe if he starred at him homework hard enough he would be able to focus.

You can guess how much it didnt work.

Although, while Mirio was staring do intensely he noticed in the corner of his eyes a little dot of glowing white dot.

He turned his head towards it and he relalized it was just a white dot in the middle of his room. There was no source of light that could be making it.

Mirio's eyebrows furrowed and he stood up slowly walking towards it. It was like the tiniest white ball forze in mid-air.

He poked at it and suddenly a loud static sound filled his room. The sound was like static mixed with a fork sratching aginst a chalk board. It was loud and blarring and almost hurt Mirio's ears

The white spot started to expand and it looked like glitches in a game almost. It sounded like a fork against a chalk board mixed with stattic and a high pitched screaming.

Mirio took a step back as the hole grew into a weird human like shape, and then it suddenly jumped on him.

He fell backwards onto his ass, this white thing was a lot heavier than he thought it would be, it felt like a person.

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