The Small Touches Matter

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A few weeks had passed since Tamaki talked to his mom. Or talk to her in person.

He texted his mom constantly and she constantly called to see how he was doing. It was embarrassing at times but it was also really sweet.

Tamaki was one of those kids that always respected his parents and never said he wanted the gone.

He might have thought that about his father but that's besides  the point. (plus he never said it out loud so it doesn't count)

Speaking of calling his mother he was about to do that. He had two main topics to talk about. Number one, it was spring break and they had a week off school.  Mirio knew how to drive and they all got a little money together to go on a vacation up in the mountains.  He just wanted to make it was okay with his mom before he went. Number two was, he was going to tell her that he was gay and he really, really like Mirio.

His childhood best friend's was now his biggest crush. He knew it sounded like such a cliché.

The current time was 6:24, it was a March 16, two days before spring break.

Tamaki sat on his bed, staring at his phone like it was an amazing piece of art. His thumb hovered over the " Call " button on his mother's contact.

He had already spent so long on getting the courage to even think about telling her. Neijire helped him a lot. She reminded him that no matter what his mom would always love him. He would always be her son.

He knew even if his mother was against it she wouldn't freak out. It was just against he will. It wasn't the way she worked.

He took a deep breath taht he wished had lasted longer. He hit the call button.

He put the phone up to his ear, but it was hard to hold from how much he was shaking. Like he was sure there was an earth quake.

The dial sound rang for a few seconds before the small sound of his mother picking up sounded.

" Hey honey! "

She answered with her usual cheery tone. Even form over the phone Tamaki could tell that she had been getting more sleep. He was so relieved.

" h-h-h-hey mom "

He managed to stumbled out. The woman on the other end chuckled. There was the soft sound of chopping, it was around dinner time so she much be cutting up some vegetables or something.

" Tamaki, you sound so shaken up. You don't have to worry I'm your mother, there's no reason to be nervous around me "

If he really felt like it he could give her a list of reasons why to be nervous around her because she was his mother.

" Yeah um m-mom . . .we need to talk about something i-important "

His chest felt tight and his throat was treating to completly close at second. He didn't know if he could do this. He would dying trying most likely.

" Of coarse you can talk to me about anything "

Somehow this didn't make things any better, it made them worse, but Tamaki had to be brave.

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