Christmas Decorations and Sex Talks

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Winter for Tamaki is a mix of emotions. The cold weather and almost always grey sky can make anyone a little sad always. Plus with Christmas wasn't his favorite holiday, and in fact it was far from it.

As a kid, he was almost scared of Christmas. Well after the age of eight that is.

Every Christmas after he was born was a good one. He would get to wake up before dawn and he would go jump on hsi parents bed to wake them.

He would tug on his fathers hand and he would shuffle along the floor, just tryingvto keep up with his hyper child. Once Tamaki's morher joined he would sit on the floor and he would open presents.

It was the best day of thr year for him. That was until his eighth chirstmas.

Tamaki's mother had always envied peoples decorations. They had never really decorated for Christmas other than a tree because tjey didn't have much to decorate. Their apartment was small and of coarse since it was an apartment it didn't have a yard.

Koan just wanted something other than a tree, zomething that brought a little more Christmas spirit.

While scrolling through Pintrest she saw a person who had decorated their apartment blancony with lights. She absoluetly loved that idea.

She went to the store and bought Christmas lights. The ones she had bought where a bit more expensive because they had be of good quality to so they would survive the snow and cold wind.

When Koan had gotten home Tamaki was so excited to set up the lights once his mother explained it to him.

He was willing to stand out in the cold, without shoes on, on the balcony as long as it took to put these lights up. Even his baby sister had seemed to be in a good mood.

Once the lights were up the whole house was filled with a warm feeling, the Christmas tree had mutiple presents under it and the snow was so beautiful as it fell.

However the happy mood didn't last for long, soon Tamaki's father came home. He had a tired look Tamaki didn't understand. As he grew older Tamaki understood this look as drunk or wasted.

Tamaki briefly remebers what happens. His fatehr had set his stuff down and then he had seen the lights on the balcony.

Then the yelling came. Tamaki shook in his corner as he heard shouts of money probelms and stuff they didn't need. Dispite the fact her couldn't remember almost anything else, he was able to remember the last thing his fatehr said, or more like yelled.

" Y'know what Koan, we can't afford all of the things you want for Christmas! So instead we won't have Christmas at all! Chirstmas is over! "

Little Tamaki's heart shattered. Each day he watched as his parents took gifts back, threw away Chirstmas cookies they worked so hard on, and he even had to take down the tree.

Since Tamaki was so young he was hoping he would wake up Chirstmas morning and Santa would've come and there would be gifts and a tree- but much to Tamaki's disappointment, there was no me miracle. He woke up and things were just like they were when he went to bed.

His mother didn't leave her room and his father acted like it was any normal day.

He could remember exatcly how it felt when he returned to school and he watched as all the other kids showed off all the toys they got on Christmas. He didn't say anything to anyone but it all hurt so much.

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