Chapter 1 - Numb, but not from the Cold

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(tw: blood)

It was cold. So cold. 

You probably had never been this cold in your entire life. The snow whipped around you and the wind tore through you like knives. You could feel the bitterness of the chill seep into you, unable to stop the frostiness that resided in your bones. You reached out your free hand to prop yourself against a tree and winced, your other hand clasped desperately at your torso, trying to somehow keep the blood inside of you.
An arrow protruding through your fingers was firmly set inside the muscle of your stomach area. You had been steadily losing blood from it through your trek through the storm, which had dyed your clothes a bright scarlet. Had you always been this lightheaded? You struggled off of the tree you had been leaning against and immediately regretted it, the nausea and dizziness hitting you like a hammer. 

Your hands were numb, your face was numb, hell, all of you was numb! 

But not just from the cold.

You tried to tear yourself away from the memories, not wanting to die with those as the last images you saw. You stumbled helplessly through the snow, unable to keep the memories out of your head.

Dream staring at you coldly from behind a wall of other people, all angry and yelling at you. 

The fear of knowing you were about to die. An axe being raised.

You gasped suddenly, as you tripped on something unseen in the snow. You hit the ground, hard. You tried to take oxygen into your lungs, but the fall had knocked the wind out of you. Laying here in the snow, bleeding, unable to breath, you knew. 

They hadn't been able to kill you in L'Manberg, but here was where you were destined to die. You though about everyone you had considered a friend, Phil, Tommy, Tubbo, George, Bad, Skeppy, Ghostbur, Niki... Dream...

You closed your eyes, to block out the blinding snow. A dark haze was beginning to fill your mind, it was hard to formulate a thought. You wondered if they even cared? Probably not, they had sentenced you to death, why would they care if you died here? 

You relaxed, the haze now so thick you couldn't think anymore. The cold seemed to fade from the parts you still had feeling in, and the world went black.

(Technoblade's POV)

Blood. Techno could smell it. The voices in his head's whispering grew louder, but Techno ignored it.

"C'mon Carl, faster" he urged the horse, who put on an extra burst of speed, the clank of his diamond armor unheard in the howling of the storm. 

The scent got stronger, and so did the voices, but Techno pushed them down and continued. There, just visible in the swirling snow, was a path of red droplets and splashes, obscured slightly by the fallen snow. The voices now reared up, roaring in hissing tones.

BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD... blood pog!!... kill... BLOOD...

Technoblade heard a low growl, and panicked for a second before realizing it was him making the noise. He shook his head, "Shut up!" he snarled angrily at the voices.

Ooooh, technos angy... technomad... blood tho...  

The voices seemed to have died down at his warning. He looked up again, trying to follow the path of blood. It was harder now that more snow had fallen, he could barely see the trail.

Suddenly, out of the blinding white of the snowstorm, something dark lay buried slightly in snow, which had been died a dark scarlet. Again the voices rose up.

I Nether want to let you go - Technoblade x Reader - UnfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now