Chapter 11 - Trial and Error

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Y/N is trying to spend time with Techno, but he's been really weird and distant. The voices have been getting really hard to suppress and Techno isn't having a very fun time dealing with them. Y/N goes to check on Techno when they hear crashing from upstairs, and he almost attacks Y/N. The voices are mostly in control, and they get upset at Y/N for being like 'Tommy' (Techno's insecurities are showing) and they say they've been denied blood for so long. Techno then does a small little violence (b*ting) and then some graphic sippy of red liquid. Once the voices are satisfied, Techno returns to normal and is horrified with what he's done. He breaks down and tried to explain what happened, and Y/N comforts him. Techno feels awful for what he's done, but Y/N forgives him and says they didn't mind. Y/N is very tired from the blood loss and from being woken up by Techno's crashing around, so Techno allows them to sleep in his bed (more comfortable than the couch) and Y/N gets him to cuddle with them. Techno and Y/N fall asleep together and it's very wholesome right after the angst teehee.]

Anyways, onto the next chapter!

(A/N: Remember that I am only writing about the characters, not the actual people. I respect the real people, and their relationships. Please do not 'ship' real people, as most of them are not okay with that, understandably. I am not okay with shipping real people, as sometimes it can cause damage. This is my personal opinion, and I thought I would just mention again that I'm writing about the fictional characters. 

This chapter includes some stuff about Tubbo and Ranboo's relationship. I don't actually ship the real Tubbo and Ranboo, only the characters (beeduo is so cute!!) I know in the actual canon storyline of DreamSMP, their marriage is platonic, but I want to build in a slight romantic feel to it. I also don't always stick to the exact lore anyways so like... :|

Anyway, please stay respectful. Thank you.)

(8617 words omg that's a lot)

(tw: violence, blood, suggestion of being drugged, death, being bound, angst, swearing, oh boy that's a lot of trigger warnings guys it's about to get SPICY)

(Technoblade's POV)

Technoblade was panicking. Only a little.

"Oh gods what am I going to do." He mumbled, quickly slipping as many different potions onto his belt as he could.

Y/N clipped a shoulder pad onto the rest of his armor. It had a wither skeleton skull design emblazoned on it.

"Hey, don't worry, it'll be fine. You're a great fighter, I'm sure you can beat them."

Technoblade glanced at Y/N. She seemed so confident in him. 

She was busy with helping him put on his armor, and didn't meet his eye. He gazed down at her, a small smile on his face. He felt some weird feeling, one he hadn't really felt before. He had felt it a few times around Y/N, and had never really taken notice of it.

OOOOOHHH... technos in love... E... guys wait what about the butcher army...aww techno and y/n sitting in a tree...e... AAAHHHHHHHH...lmao...BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD...

Right! Techno had totally forgotten about the Butcher Army on it's way to probably kill him for a second. Y/N clipped a chestplate onto him.

Technoblade decided to ignore the rest of the comments the voices were burbling that wasn't about his impending doom.

"There. Finished." Y/N looked proudly at the job she had done getting Techno into his armor. The Piglin hybrid smiled.

"Good job." Technoblade praised, staring at her like a enamored child. 

I Nether want to let you go - Technoblade x Reader - UnfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now