Chapter 3 - An Old Friend (Literally)

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You blinked your eyes open slowly, adjusting them quickly to the overhead lights.

Another knock on the door, and you remembered what had woken you up. You sat up slowly, wincing at the pain of your wound. Where was Technoblade? Wasn't he going to answer the door? 

The person at the door knocked again, and you swung your legs over the side of the couch to stand up. You flinched, the pain spiking again, but did your best to ignore it as you took a shaky stand. You stumbled ungracefully to the door, and struggled with the knob for longer than you should have, before the door swung open, revealing a familiar face. 

A rush of wind, and you were enveloped in dark grey feathers, arms reaching to wrap around you, pulling you into an embrace. You winced, and the person hugging you released you with an awkward laugh. "Right, sorry, Techno did say you were injured. Heh..." The blonde-haired man chuckled nervously.
"Hi Phil!" You gave what hoped didn't look like a forced smile and rubbed your injured side. What was Phil doing at Technoblade's house?

"Oh, Pog! You look like a mini Techno." Phil commented on your outfit. 

After your clothes had been stained beyond saving, Technoblade had given you a pair of high waisted black pants, like his, and a white shirt. The shirt, unlike Technoblade's, had no poofy ruffle collar thing, and was quite big on you (Although Technoblade had insisted it was the smallest one he could find.) The pants were also quite baggy, and they reached to your ankles. Luckily though, thanks to elastic, the waistband of the pants fit you fine, so you didn't need a belt.

"Halloo" Technoblade's voice sounded from behind you, and you turned to look at him. 

"Ah, hello Techno. So you were correct, you really did find Y/N" Phil smiled, looking from Technoblade back to you.  You smiled back at him.

"Yeah, apparently so." Technoblade nodded, giving you a wary look. "Anyway Phil, come in, come in." He ushered the winged humanoid inside.

You went and sat down back on the couch. Phil and Technoblade went to sit at the dining room/kitchen table. You didn't want to pry, or eavesdrop on their conversation, so you lay back down on the couch. Your side really hurt, you lifted your shirt to glace at the bandages you had put on fresh last night. The bleeding seemed to have stopped. You covered it once again with your shirt and tried to relax. You could hear Phil and Technoblade talking in the other room, but you couldn't make out the words. Your eyes felt heavy, and a light haze filled your mind. 

Soon you had drifted off into a light sleep.

(Technoblade's POV)

"But Phil! What if she really did kill those pets?? And I can't keep a wanted criminal in my house! It makes me a target! And I'm retired!" Techno whisper-yelled.

Phil shifted uncomfortably in his chair. "Uh well, Techno, not to uh, alarm you or anything... but you may already be a target." Phil said nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.

"HEH???" Technoblade cried.

"Yeah well, I overheard Quackity talking about you. He and Tubbo seem to be mad at you. I don't know why Big Q is mad, but Tubbo is still pretty angry about that scar you gave him." Phil continued, gesturing to his face to mimic where Tubbo's scar was.

"Jeez," Techno said, "You shoot a guy in the face with a rocket launcher once and he suddenly holds some sort of grudge against you..." 

"At least keep Y/N until she can survive on her own, then you can send her on her way." Phil glanced hopefully up at Technoblade.

I Nether want to let you go - Technoblade x Reader - UnfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now