Chapter 2 - Puncture Wounds and Painful Memories

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"Ngh.." You groaned, trying to sit up. Your body wouldn't listen, so you tried again. To no avail. Your head felt like someone was pounding it with a sledgehammer, and your side was on fire. Wait... what? 

You opened your eyes, but cried out in pain as the light from wherever you were stabbed your eyeballs and the pounding in your head increased to the point you thought you would pass out again. You resentfully closed your eyes and gave up trying to move. Your brain raced with thoughts, questions. Where am I? How am I even alive?? 

You remembered blacking out in the snow,  bleeding from an arrow shot to your side. You were running away from something, as far as you could remember, although your memory was a little foggy.

It all came flooding back. L'Manburg, your trial, your execution, your escape...

Suddenly your thoughts were interrupted by the opening and closing of a door, the heavy paw steps of a large animal, and the sudden sensation of hot breath on your face. Something large and furry was snuffling your face. You tried to cringe away from it, but that didn't seem to faze it. "Hey, Steve, cut that out. Leave them alone." A deep masculine voice chuckled. You opened an eye that was furthest from "Steve" and held back a yelp. 

There was a polar bear sniffing you.

You tensed up and closed your eye again, hoping it would go away. You heard a slight scuffle, and a disappointed rumble as the polar bear was pulled away from you. "C'mon Steve, leave them alone!" The same voice said, in a slightly more annoyed tone. You detected a hint of panic, but you might have been mistaken.

You opened your eye the meagerest of fractions, and marveled in the sight that befell you.

A large humanoid was pulling the polar bear back by a lead, trying to tie it just outside of the door. "Steven, really, you know you're too big to be in here, you have to go outside. Plus, you'll get too warm in here..." The man grunted with effort as he pushed the polar bear towards the door.

Taking your opportunity, you opened your eyes fully. The man who was pushing the polar bear was the strangest looking person you had ever seen, and you were friends with Ranboo, who was half Enderman! Not that he looked weird or anything. 

Something muttered darkly in the back of your mind "used to be friends with" .

This man though seemed to be part Piglin, from your pathetic amount of knowledge about them. He had two tusks projecting from his lower jaw. The rest of his teeth were fairly normal looking, maybe a little sharper than normal. He had pink skin, which from what you could see was slightly furry in some places, like on his ears. His ears! They were pointed, but more animalistic than human, different from the standard "pointed elf ears". He had short darker pink hair, which was tied into a short braid in the back. He had a tail protruding from his lower back that had a sort of silky-looking fluff on the end (very similar to Ranboo's).

He was fairly wide-shouldered and muscular, from what you could tell, (as he was pushing a polar bear...), also quite handsome, you had to admit. Not that you were extremely attracted to him or anything, it was just that you could recognize when someone was good-looking. He was wearing a red cloak with white trim, and a white shirt with a puffy collar, as well as high waisted black pants. He had a golden crown atop his head, adorned with different coloured gemstones. He looked like royalty, although taking a quick glace around at his unorganized, common-looking house, you decided otherwise.

After about a minute of struggling, he finally managed to push the polar bear out of the door. He closed the door quickly, and sighed loudly. "Yes I know, I'm sorry but Steve can't stay in the house, he's just getting too big!" The man said aloud, but to whom you had no idea. It seemed as though he was talking to himself. Suddenly he turned to look at you.

I Nether want to let you go - Technoblade x Reader - UnfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now