Chapter 8 - I See a Dreamer

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Phil is on his way to Techno's house, but he sees Dream lurking around. Y/N is attacked by Dream and ends up losing the fight. Dream wants to do very not nice things to them, but Phil attacks Dream and distracts him long enough for Y/N to get away. They go back to Techno's house, and Techno has to comfort Y/N after what happened with Dream. Phil also shows up and tells Techno what happened. Phil's wing is so damaged he cannot fly anymore. Techno tells Y/N that they may stay as long as they have to, and he will protect them from Dream.]

Anyway onto this chapter!

(tw: swearing)

(Technoblade's POV)

Technoblade hoped Y/N would be okay by herself. Phil said he wasn't able to come "babysit" her, and Technoblade needed to go to the nearest village to trade for supplies. 

Y/N was still really on edge, so she hadn't wanted to come with him. He was still slightly anxious, as she was at the cabin by herself.

Technoblade neared the village, the iron golem at the entrance giving him a wary look, before letting him pass into the village. He dismounted Carl, and tied him to a fence post so he couldn't wander away.

Technoblade didn't like the village on the Overworld as much as he liked the ones in the Nether, but there were some things he just couldn't get from his Piglin brethren. As well as he could speak almost Villager fluently, unlike his Piglin, which was a little worse due to him almost never using it.

 He moseyed around the village, and traded with a few of the villagers. He had villagers in his basement (which may or may not have been legal), but Technoblade liked to get out sometimes. He hadn't noticed how lonely he had gotten living by himself in the Tundra. Once Y/N had turned up in his life, and Phil started visiting more often, Technoblade realized he liked seeing other people. He was used to just one-sided conversations between Steve and himself, or with Edward. Now he had people to talk to, real people, and he really enjoyed it. 

He had gone outside of his house to do things much more than he ever had. He really liked Y/N living with him, if he was being honest. Not that he would ever admit it.

One villager was selling a golden chain necklace with a charm on it. Being of Piglin ancestry, the gold caught his eye immediately. He leaned forward to take a closer look. The charm was of a small golden flower, with a small emerald set in the middle. Techno looked up at the villager selling it. "What do you want for it?" Technoblade asked. "A few emeralds." The villager responded. Technoblade huffed. A few emeralds for a dinky golden chain with a speck of emerald in it? What a rip off.

Y/N might like that... give it to Y/N... stupid villager trades...E... aw it's pretty!...

Give it to Y/N? Technoblade took out a few emeralds he had at a back slung around his shoulder. "This enough?" He asked, and the villager nodded. Technoblade gave the villager the emeralds, and carefully took the necklace, pocketing it somewhere safe. "Pleasure doing business with you." He nodded to the villager, who nodded back. 

Technoblade turned to go find a few more things to buy, when a flash of purple and green caught his eye. 

He froze. 

Dream was standing a few stalls away, partially obscured, and was talking to a villager. 


Calm down, chat. Technoblade reasoned. If he were to attack Dream unprovoked, Dream would know that something was up. He may even guess that Y/N was living with Technoblade, and then he would know where to find her. He was angry, but he wasn't stupid.

I Nether want to let you go - Technoblade x Reader - UnfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now