Chapter 6 - Sunlight and Lilies

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You yawned and stretched, taking in the soft golden glow flowing like silk in from the windows. You blinked slowly, taking everything in.

Oh gosh wait Technoblade saw me cry-

You face suddenly flushed red in embarrassment, remembering the events from last night. You pressed your face into your hands and groaned. You had woken up from a nightmare, and Technoblade had come downstairs to comfort you. Just that simple gesture, and he had you bawling. You would never live this down...

You remembered falling asleep in his embrace, but he was definitely gone now. You decided you had better do something more useful than just sit red-faced on the couch and be embarrassed. 

You got up and got dressed out of your sleeping clothes. (Which were your normal clothes, but a softer variety Technoblade had gotten you while he was out.)

You had some bread and apples for breakfast, and leisurely wandered your way outside. The sun shone down on your face, warming your entire body. It reminded you of Technoblade, as he had also been quite warm. In a nice way, like sunlight.

Speaking of which, you hadn't seen Technoblade all morning. Not that you wanted to face him yet...

"Hey, mate! Over here!" A familiar voice called. You turned to see the grey-winged individual, waving at you. 

"Hey Phil!" You responded, waving back. The blond-haired male fluffed and un-fluffed his wings excitedly while heading over to you. "Where's Technoblade?" You asked, hoping you hadn't scared him away forever.

"Oh, he's just gone to the Nether." Phil informed you. You nodded thoughtfully. The Nether? Why would he need to go there?  You were always told that the Nether was a very dangerous place, and that you should only use the top of the Nether for travel, and even that was dangerous, as Hoglins occasionally showed up from time to time. Every monster in the Nether seemed very dangerous. 

Wither Skeletons, and Blazes, Piglins, Hoglins, Ghasts... They all seemed very frightening from what you had heard, although you had rarely been to the Nether, as you really didn't feel capable enough to traverse it normally, not using the ice path on the top.

"I thought maybe we could do some more training today? You're pretty much entirely healed." Phil suggested, snapping you out of your thoughts. You nodded, it sounded like a good idea.

You followed Phil over to the training area, where he handed you a bow and arrow.

"We should practice your aim..." Philza chuckled lightly, nudging you.

You rolled your eyes.

This was going to be a long day...

(Technoblade's POV)


The voices burbled happily, trying to annoy Technoblade. Not that he would admit it, but it was very irritating, and indeed working at annoying him.

He glanced around at the scene in front of him, trying to distract himself. The monotonous red of netherrack filled the entirety of his vision, as well as small rivulets of orange lava, leading into large glowing lakes of fire. Outcroppings of glowstone, giving off their warm glow, and the occasional magma block broke the stark red landscape. The shrieks of ghasts and grunting noises of zombified Piglins could be heard, although not to a normal person. Technoblade had exceptional hearing, and could hear the monsters even from far away, when others could not. The heat of the Nether had been overwhelming at first, but Techno had miraculously quickly gotten used to it again. 

I Nether want to let you go - Technoblade x Reader - UnfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now