Chapter 10 - Voices

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(AN: one of the characters starts thinking really negative things about themselves, so people with anxiety or depression; discretion is advised) (stay safe guys, love you all <3)

[a brief summary of this chapter is available on the next chapter for the people who do not want to read this for their own safety. reader discretion is advised.]

(tw: blood, choking, biting, graphic blood-drinking)

"Jeez, nerd. I thought Phil said you were good at fencing." Technoblade snickered, offering you his hand. 

You rejected his offer, and huffed angrily, standing up and brushing dirt off of yourself.

"I am good, you're just better than me." You wanted to kick yourself as the truth slipped out. Normally you would have never admitted it. Technoblade laughed, the sound of it threatening to make you smile. His laugh was so contagious, and you were still trying to be angry.

"Aw, you flatter me." He chuckled, and smiled broadly, showing off his sharp teeth and tusks. 

It was true, he was a much better fencer than you were, by far. He said that Phil had taught him, but his skill surpassed Phil's by a long shot. How had he gotten so good? You hadn't managed to even get a hit on him. 

"Let's go again." You demanded, determined to beat him.

He looked thoughtful for a second. Some emotion crossed his face for a second, but you couldn't deter what it was, as it had happened so fast you weren't sure if it had happened at all. 

"Nah, I'm tired. Let's do something else." He said, looking away. How could he be tired? You had barely started fencing. He had been acting like this all morning, never sticking to one thing, always saying he was bored or tired of it, and moving on to something else. 

"Oh, okay." You said, not really minding, as you were quite exhausted from your sparring with Techno. "What do you want to do now?" You asked, hoping he would suggest something. You were cool with doing whatever he wanted to do. 

He didn't answer. 

"How about we go see the waterfalls?" You offered, thinking of the great time you had there last time you and Techno went. 

He had found it while out one day, and had taken you to see it. It had been amazing, the falls poured off of a river on top of a mountain, frothing and churning it's way down the side, and ended in a large pond that was filled with lily pads and stepping stones. The whole area was lined with sugarcane and flowers, and the both of you had gone back a few times to just have a relaxing day. 

"Nah." Technoblade said. You felt a twinge of disappointment, you had really enjoyed going. However, that was fine, you could always come up with something else to do.

"How about we go to the Nether?" You suggested. You would never have gone for fun, but Technoblade had gone there frequently, saying he was 'working on a project'. Maybe you could go with him this time and see what his project was. 

He shook his head, not even glancing at you.

Your face fell a little. He was acting very strange. He seemed distant.

No matter, you would find something he wanted to do. "What if we ride Lily and Carl?" Technoblade shook his head. "We could... go hunting?" Again, no. "How about we...go...explore some caves?" Nope. "What if we-"

"How about we do something separate. You can do any one of those things by yourself, and I have some things I need to do." Technoblade cut you off, still without glancing in your direction. He stalked off without waiting for a response, leaving you standing by yourself.

I Nether want to let you go - Technoblade x Reader - UnfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now