Chapter 9 - Dream Catchers and Golden Flowers

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Dream hadn't showed up yet.

You had been preparing for him ever since Technoblade had come back from the village that day. It had been a few days since, but you were only starting to relax. You knew you couldn't relax, that you had to stay on edge and be ready for if Dream showed up. 

Being alert all the time, no matter how necessary, was very tiring.

You flopped down on the couch, sighing.

"Are we sure he's even going to show up at all? What if it was just a threat?" You asked, looking over at Technoblade, who was brewing some more potions, even though he already had a lot. 

"Don't know why you're asking me, I barely know him."

You looked away. Techno was right, he did barely know Dream.

"What do you know about him? Does he have any weaknesses?" Technoblade asked, putting away some potions into a chest. You shook your head, "Not that I know of."

Technoblade suddenly went still, unmoving in the corner of your eye. You turned to look at him. He had stopped halfway through placing a potion in the chest, his arm outstretched, the potion shaking slightly in his white-knuckled grip.

"He-" Techno started, "He said that... that he..." He shook his head, "Never mind, I'm sure he was just bluffing." 

You felt sick. What had Dream said to Techno that made him react like that? Had Dream threatened him with something? 

"What did he say?"

"Nothing. Forget I said anything." Technoblade went back to putting away potions.

"Techno. What did you tell you?"

Technoblade glanced at you, and then looked away, "Well he said that... well... he said that he loved you... and that you loved him back." He mumbled, "But I didn't believe him, as he was lying about everything else." He finished putting away the potions. "I guess it's just been bothering me. I don't know anything about you prior to your execution. What was your relationship with Dream?"

You felt guilt begin to gnaw away at your stomach.

You owed it to him to tell him, he had done so much for you. You didn't know how he would react if you told him, and you really didn't want to truly admit it. If you said it out loud, it would be real. You wanted to tell yourself it never happened, you regretted it so much now.

"We were dating."

(Technoblade's POV)


How could she fall for a jerk like him!... stealing our y/n... what if she still feels that way about him?...

Technoblade wanted to say something, like 'oh! cool! but you're not like that anymore right?'. No, that sounded too... weird and desperate. How about 'you deserve better than him'. Nah, that would make him sound like a jerk. Y/N looked at him nervously, wringing her hands, waiting for a reaction. She didn't seem to want to talk about it, so 'how was dating Dream?' was off the table. Technoblade opened his mouth to say something, but all that came out was "Oh."

Y/N looked awkwardly down at the ground.

good job you hurt her feelings...E...E...idiot that was a dumb move... go hug her to make her feel better... obviously she doesnt like dream anymore...E... she did say were dating, which must mean not anymore?... i mean he did try and kill her, right?...

Technoblade felt awful for bringing it up, it was clear she didn't want to talk about it. 

"Uh, be right back. I need to make something."

I Nether want to let you go - Technoblade x Reader - UnfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now