Chapter 4 - An Enderman in the Woods

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"Don't know why he sent me out alone, he knows I can't hunt..." 

You grumbled to yourself, trekking slowly step by step through the deep snow of the pine forest.

Technoblade had given you a bow and some arrows, which were currently in the quiver slung across your back, as well as an iron sword, similar to the one you had been using to spar with. Phil had come over a couple of times in the last week to help you train, and he said you were improving greatly. Technoblade was also supposed to train you, but normally he just gave advice and corrections from a ways away. 

You didn't know how he expected you to hunt when the only information he had given you was "Try to hit the animal with the sword, and if it's a monster, hit it with range using the bow." He had shown you how to use the bow, although you were still a fairly lousy shot.

 You could hit the target, technically...

But now you were out in the wilderness, alone. Even though Technoblade said he would follow you at a distance to make sure you didn't get hurt, you were pretty sure he was still at his house. So far you had found two sheep, although one of them had gotten away. You felt bad killing them, but Technoblade insisted you needed to learn to hunt. 

You thought that if you were travelling alone you could just get food from villages and wandering traders. Technoblade said you would starve if you did that.

"Stupid Technoblade..." You muttered, the slow throbbing pain of your injury reminding you that it was still there. It had healed quite nicely over the past few days, although it still hurt. 


You whipped around, careful not to make any loud noises. 

crunch              crunch 


The steps sounded far apart, so whatever was making them was either quite tall, or walking very slowly. Was it Technoblade? Had he heard you call him stupid? You suddenly felt bad. You hadn't actually meant it.

crunch               crunch           crunch

Whoever it was, they were getting closer.

crunch             crunch         crunch

"Technoblade...?" You trailed off as the person stepped out of the trees in front of you. You swore your heart skipped a beat. But now it was pounding in your ears, all instincts telling you to run.

The tall, lanky being slowly turned its shining eyes toward you.


You attacked, swinging your sword at the Enderman hybrid. He let out a cry and dodged to the side, pulling out a sword as well. Unlike yours, his was enchanted netherite. 

Maybe attacking him was a mistake.

Although he would have attacked you anyways, you reasoned.

Ranboo came at you and you blocked, quickly swinging your sword at him after avoiding his attack. He parried and backed off a little, you advanced, swinging again. Suddenly he ducked and then reared up again, surprising you, and hit your hand with the flat of his blade. The blow knocked the sword out of your hand, and it landed a few feet away in a snowdrift.

"What do you think you're doing??" Ranboo cried, panting slightly.

"I could ask you the same question." You hissed, backing towards Technoblade's cabin, trying to calculate if you would be able to beat him to it if you were to run. 

I Nether want to let you go - Technoblade x Reader - UnfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now