My Final Goodbye

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Almost a year ago, I unpublished this story out of grief.

Then, I republished it in the hope that I could keep writing.

And it stayed exactly the same for months and months, with no progress.

I can't finish it. I can't do it.

Although I've tried time and time again, I will not be continuing this story, and it will stay unfinished for possibly years unless I ever decide to pick it up again or rewrite it. But I'll be completely honest with all of you, it's very likely that I won't.

I won't lie, I won't sugar coat it, I will not be finishing this story for the foreseeable future. It makes me too uncomfortable to write an x reader about Technoblade now. Although I was just writing about the character, and had even changed it a little to fit the story, it's just too much for me.

I'm so happy that everyone has been so supportive, and it fills me with joy that my writing was able to inspire and bring enjoyment to so many people. I may pick up a different story, or I may not, but I'm still so glad I had this opportunity to share my art with you all.

Thank you all for being on this journey with me.

So long, nerds.

I Nether want to let you go - Technoblade x Reader - UnfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now