Chapter 7 - Not a Dream

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(tw: sexual harassment, sexual assault, swearing)

[a brief summary of this chapter is available on the next chapter for the people who do not want to read this for their own safety. reader discretion is advised.]

(Phil's POV)

Phil had been grounded. After he had protected Wilbur from the blast that had been set off, his wing had been mangled. He had used up all of his healing potions trying to fix it, but the results were only temporary. His wing had slowly gotten worse and worse as time went on. 

Now he could barely fly at all. 

He walked through the woods, wings tucked into his back, his boots crunching in the snow. He enjoyed his time with Technoblade and Y/N. 

Y/N had gotten a lot better at fighting and hunting, and was an even match for Phil, who couldn't beat her anymore. She had gotten so good, that Techno said she would soon be able to go live on her own.

Phil smiled, remembering all the good times he had the past few weeks. Y/N had excitedly shown him Lily, the horse she had tamed herself. She was very proud of Lily.

Phil heard footsteps through the snow. He looked around, while ducking low under a tree. The footsteps stopped. 

Phil didn't move from his hiding spot under the tree. 

He heard someone humming a familiar tune, one he couldn't remember what the name was, or where he heard it before.

"If I was Y/N, where would I be..." The person humming mumbled in a sickly sweet tone. Someone was trying to find Y/N? Phil slowly peeked out from under the tree to see who this hunter was.

Phil's blood ran cold.

A man wearing a green hoodie and netherite armor, a gleaming enchanted axe slung across his shoulder, was standing ankle deep in snow in front of the tree Phil was hiding under. His masked face swung around, peering between the trees, it's white face unchanging. He didn't seem to notice Phil. He began humming the tune again, and took a few steps in the direction of Techno's house before stopping and peering down at the snow. "Well well well... look what we have here..." He stood up straight again and walked off in a set direction, apparently tracking whatever he had seen in the snow. 

After a moment, once Phil no longer heard footsteps, he carefully crept out from beneath the tree, and inspected what Dream had been looking at. 

It was Y/N's footprints...

Dream had headed off towards Y/N!

Phil turned and briskly followed where Dream had gone, desperate to protect Y/N. He knew Dream would most likely kill him, but he didn't care. 

He saw Dream in the distance and quickly hid himself again. Dream didn't notice him, and continued on his path towards Y/N.

Phil continued this for a few minutes, waiting until Dream had gone, and then following him and hiding. Until suddenly the footstep trail stopped. Dream had disappeared. Cold fear ran through Phil. Had Dream spotted him?

He suddenly heard Y/N cry out from nearby, along with the noise of fighting. Phil flexed his wings and took off, desperate to find Y/N and Dream. Pain laced through his wing and the rest of his body, making him hiss through his teeth, biting down hard on his tongue to try and distract himself. 

From his line of sight in the air, he soon spotted Dream and Y/N.

 Y/N was trying very hard to defend herself from Dream, who was attacking her with the axe he had been carrying. 

I Nether want to let you go - Technoblade x Reader - UnfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now