Chapter 13 - Lucid

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Techno (obviously) does not die from the anvil, and escapes. Dream has taken Y/N, and so Techno follows him. He is attacked by Quackity, but beats Quackity with just a pickaxe and iron armor (exactly like the actual stream but Carl is replaced by Y/N). Meanwhile, Dream has taken Y/N into the underground river passage and is doing not very nice things to them. Y/N fights back and cracks Dream's mask. Dream threatens them with unalive and continues to do not very nice things (forced kissing and threat of r*pe. no actual r*pe). Then someone pulls Dream off Y/N and throws him in the river. It's Technoblade!!]

Anyway, onto the next chapter!

(tw: blood)

Technoblade was alive!

You felt relief flood over you as he stood in front of you, brandishing a netherite pickaxe. Here he stood in all his glory, clad in dented iron armor, his shoulder dripping blood.

Dream hissed and pulled himself out of the river. Technoblade stepped back, closer to you. Dream stayed kneeling by the river as Techno held up the bloody pickaxe as a warning.

"What are you doing, Technoblade?" Dream glared at Techno from behind his cracked white mask. His cloak was dripping with water, clinging to his form, making him look much smaller.

Technoblade lashed his tail, "Protecting Y/N from you." He growled.

It looked as though Dream had dropped his dagger in the river. He also seemed to be missing his trademark netherite axe that was usually slung across his back.

"You owe me, Technoblade. I payed Punz to save you, and I helped you get away, as well as supplied you armor and a weapon to protect yourself with." Dream gestured to the pickaxe Techno was holding. He seemed to think that Technoblade owed him for this.

"Then consider my mercy as returning the favour." Technoblade snarled.

Dream looked up at him, not saying anything.

"Dream, even though you deserve to be killed, I'm letting you go. It's true that you saved me and Y/N, but you've overstayed your welcome." Technoblade nodded his head in the direction Dream had appeared from earlier, as if telling him to leave.

"You can't possibly be serious." Dream stood up, scoffing in disbelief.

"Can't I?" Technoblade asked, "I could kill you right now. You know I could. You know that I'm the only person who can beat you in a fight. I have before, surely you remember?" 

Technoblade had beaten Dream in a fight before? How was that possible? Dream was known as the best fighter in the land.

Dream didn't answer.

"Get out of here Dream. Before I change my mind." Technoblade said sharply, taking a step towards Dream.

The green-clad man stared at Technoblade, and you noticed his face flickered down in your direction.

"HEY!" Technoblade roared, stepping in front of you to block Dream's vision. "Get your eyes off of her." He growled, "Listen, Dream... if you ever, and I mean EVER come near Y/N again, I will not hesitate to kill you. You stay away from her." 

Technoblade stood, shoulder dripping in blood, tail lashing, prepared to fight Dream (the best fighter in the lands) who was clad entirely in netherite, for you. You couldn't believe how lucky you were to have him.

"Next time I see you, Dream, I will kill you. The things you have done to the people I care about are unforgivable. You're lucky I'm letting you go. You do not deserve my mercy, but I am a man of honour, Dream, something you cannot imagine being. It's true you've done me a favour, now do me another and get out of my sight." Technoblade took another threatening step towards Dream.

I Nether want to let you go - Technoblade x Reader - UnfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now