Chapter 5 - Lost in the Dark

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[tw: implied death]

You were lost. Lost in the forest at night. Afraid.

Why had Technoblade sent you out hunting at night? He knew there were monsters, but this... this was worse than monsters.

You could hear the crunch of footsteps in the snow behind you. They were gaining on you.

Your breath came in quick, short gasps, the cold air stinging down your throat and into your chest. 

"Y/N..." The person behind you called. "You can't run forever..."

You had gotten lost in the woods near Technoblade's cabin, and now you were being chased by someone you had never wanted to see again. Your wound was somehow fresh and bleeding again, although you could have sworn it was healed.

You strained your ears against the howling wind. You couldn't hear footsteps behind you anymore. 

You knew better than to stop or slow down. You just kept running.

Stumbling through the snow, tripping every once in a while, you ran until you came to a large stone mountain. There was no where you could go from here. You hoped the person chasing you had given up.


You whipped around.

"Hello Y/N" 

A chill ran down your spine.

"I said you couldn't run forever..." The voice said from behind a perpetually smiling white mask. The man stepped nearer to you, and you pressed your back against the cold stone. 

"I'm sorry everyone tried to kill you..." The netherite-clad man stepped closer still.

"But... then again... they did it for good reason, didn't they?" Malice filled his sickly sweet voice. You were shaking. 

"I- I didn't kill, kill the pets..." You stuttered, your voice shaking with fear. You knew how dangerous Dream could be.

"I still love you, Y/N..." Dream reached toward you, resting one hand on your cheek. You wanted to pull away. You wanted to tell him to stop touching you.

But some instinct inside of you remembered how you used to feel and leaned into his touch. 

You remembered how you and Dream used to be. Friends. Then... more than friends. You wanted to go back to how it used to be. You and Dream against the world. You had loved him... but now...

"Too bad I have to kill you..." 

You saw the flash of enchanted netherite and felt an axe lodge itself in your neck, pain shooting through you. You saw blood.

You screamed.

You sat up shaking and soaked in sweat. You looked around in the darkness, disoriented and afraid. Where were you? Where were you?? In a house, you were in a house. It was dark in the house. Who's house? Technoblade's house. You were safe here in the dark of Technoblade's house, weren't you? 

You hugged your knees to your chest and took a few shaky breaths, the adrenaline from your dream still flowed through your veins. It had been a dream, hadn't it?

You heard quick footsteps and you flinched, trying to hide yourself from whatever was coming for you in the dark. Wasn't a dream, wasn't a dream. Your mind panicked and you were cold with fear.

I Nether want to let you go - Technoblade x Reader - UnfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now