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It was night and Marionette was staying up for stargazing, she needed inspiration for her poem that she was writing for Adrian, it wasn't his birthday or their anniversary it was just..out of the blue,

Marionette- Who knew writing a poem can be so hard?

Mari asked herself.

You are my special star, no one is above you

You shine in the skies, for I really love you

Marionette sighed about what she had so far, 'not very good progress' she thought to herself. She decided to text Wynter about ideas for her poem.

😸Wynter: That's so good Mari!

💖Marionette💖: But not good enough😔

😸Wynter: Why are you writing Adrian a poem, it isn't his birthday until next week.

💖Marionette💖: It's because I love him, this poem has to be perfect!

😸Wynter: Hm..here's a verse! "There are many things that are sweet, sweet like a Tart!"

💖Marionette💖: Thank you Wynter-Kun!

😸Wynter: Good Luck with your poem!!!

Marionette still wasn't satisfied and needed a few more lines that can set Adrian's heart on fire.

Alex: Okay...let's see..

💖Marionette💖: Do you have any ideas?

Alex: I got it! "But no one is sweeter, for I hold you close to my heart."

💖Marionette💖: Thank you Alex-Kun!

Alex: Why are you writing a poem for Adrian Anyways?

💖Marionette💖: I love him and I wanted to give him something special

Alex: That's Sweet Mari! Good luck with your poem!

💖Marionette💖: Thank you Alex-Kun!

Marionette still wasn't satisfied she needed 2 more lines so she decided to ask Addie, she's amazing at writing stories but the best at poems

💖Marionette💖: Addie you're good at writing poems can you help me?

Addie🐺: Alrighty! Let's see....

Addie🐺: I got it!

I'm not showing that last line...it's a surprise UwU

💖Marionette💖: Thank you Addie-Kun, this poem will be amazing!

The next day.

Adrian woke up and saw Marionette on the couch holding something.

Adrian- Hey Mari! What's that?

Marionette stood up, with her cheeks bright red.

Marionette- Here I stayed up all night writing this for you.

Adrian took the paper and started to read it.

You are my special star, no one is above you

You shine in the skies, for I really love you

There are many things that are sweet, sweet like a Tart!

But no one is sweeter, for I hold you close to my heart

I might have cried many tears, and my skin holds many scars

But I love you...my special star.

Adrian read the poem and was lost for words.

Marionette- I hope you liked it...

Marionette thought that Adrian didn't like the poem and then...Adrian started to kiss her.

Adrian- I love it, thank you Angel.

And hugged her.

Adrian still keeps the poem to this day every night before they go to bed, they read the poem together.

You are my special star, no one is above you

You shine in the skies, for I really love you

There are many things that are sweet, sweet like a Tart!

But no one is sweeter, for I hold you close to my heart

I might have cried many tears, and my skin holds many scars

But I love you...my special star.

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