Chapter 19- Snowball Fight!!!

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Marionette's POV

Addie-Kun, Wynter-Kun, Alex-Kun, Adrian-Chan and me, were all walking through inkopolis, It's covered in snow everywhere 

Marionette- I've never seen that much snow ever!

Addie- I know Inkopolis usually doesn't snow that much! 

Marionette- Hey Wynter, think fast!

Wynter- Why Mari-

A snowball landed on Wynter's face

Marionette- No reason!

Adrian- No way!

Alex- Ha! You should've seen the look on your face! 

Then Wynter threw a snowball in Alex's face


Addie- Ah! Come on girls shelter! 

Alex- Come on Adrian!

Addie- Uh-Uh not with these tentacles, I just had wash day!

Marionette- Okay, Ammo ready

Wynter- You bet!

Marionette- Ready..

Adrian- Aim

Wynter and Alex- FIRE!!!

The team both threw snowballs at each other until Wynter got hit 

Wynter-Hey! Who hit me

Callie- Hey Everyone!!!!

Marie- Snowball fight

Adrian- Make a run for it! 

Marie- After them Callie! 


After the snowball fight we all went to Wynter and Alex's house to calm down with something called Hot Coca

Marionette- What is this?

Addie- Hot Coca, classic holiday drink

Adrian- Careful, it's called hot coca for a reason

I took a sip of my hot coca and stars lit up

Adrian's POV

She looks so cute with those stars in her eyes

Marionette- This is so good! And what are these fluffy things?

Alex- Marshmallows 

Marionette- Delicious!!!!

Adrian- It really is- Are you finished already?  

Marionette-Mhm! It was delicous

Addie- Huh, usually Wynter is the food vacuum

Wynter- HEY! 

Everyone laughed at Addie's comment 

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