Chapter 21:Squidmas Eve

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Adrian POV 

Marionette and I were walking through Inkopolis Plaza

Marionette- I can't wait for Squidmas! I even made daddy a gift! Can I go see him?

Adrian- Sure

We went down to octo canyon and Marionette rushed to Octavio

Marionette- Daddy! Merry Squidmas ! I made you something! 

She slid the present in the shaft and Octavio opened it he looked shocked

Marionette- It's a picture of you and me at Squidmas  party, remember when I was 4! 

Octavio- ...

Marionette- Merry Squidmas Daddy! 

We both left Octo Canyon

Octavio- *sigh*........................................................Merry Squidmas Mari

Marionette's POV

I was so happy! I got to see my daddy again. 

Marionette- I can't wait! Can you!

Adrian- Yeah! Me too

We entered Wynter-Kun and Alex-Kun house but you won't believe what was above us

Alex- Look up you two

We both looked up and I felt my cheeks heating up 

Adrian's POV

Oh, NO WAY! Wynter I'm gonna kill you

Wynter- You know what you have to do under a mistletoe~

Marionette smiled at me, then I leaned forward and you guessed it we kissed

Wynter - *Squealing*

Addie and Alex fainted

We let go and I was bright as a red tomato 

Marionette- *giggles* Your face looks silly!


Marionette- Merry Squidmas Adrian-Senpai

Wynter paused and fainted as well

Adrian- *snicker* Merry Squidmas my Angel

Marionette- Angel? Why would you call me that 

Adrian- Because you are an Angel

Marionette smiled at me and hugged me

Bonus Part: Before Adrian and Marionette came back to Wynter and Alex's House. 

Addie- They'll be here any second!!!!

Alex was holding the ladder to balance Wynter. 

Alex- A little to the left!

Wynter- This Way?

Alex and Addie: Your other left!

Wynter hanged up the mistletoe over the door. 

Then Wynter saw Adrian and Marionette coming to the door. 

Addie- Oh shit!!!

Wynter: Act like nothing happened!

Wynter was on her phone, Addie was sweeping and Alex was reading a book...which was upside down and Wynter fixed it for him. 

Alex- Thanks. 

Wynter: Don't mention it

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