Chapter 16:❤️What is Love?❤️

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Marionette's POV

Love....I mean I tell Daddy that I love him but, I never knew you can show it with other people like Adrian-Chan and my friends. Love is strange. I decided to go to the living room and sit down and think about...Love. Later, Adrian-Chan came out

Adrian- Oh, hey Mari, feeling better after the...incident?

Marionette- Yes, I feel much more better. 

Adrian- Thank goodness

Marionette- Um, Adrian-Chan...have you ever loved someone?

Adrian- Well...I do now

Marionette-Really? Who?

Adrian- Heh, If I told you it wouldn't be a secret now would it?


Wynter-Kun came in and hugged me with extreme pressure

Wynter- My child are you okay?!

Adrian- She's fine Wynter

Alex- Then where were you two yesterday

Wynter- We called you 45 times!

Marionette- Well, Adrian-Chan, should we tell them? 

Adrian- Yeah, Mari was taken by her dad

Wynter- Holy....That monster!!!!

Marionette- I can't remember anything at all..

But I did zone out while Adrian-Chan explained everything, I was staring at Adrian-Chan with pink fuzzy stuff on my face

Adrian- So that pretty much happened, Mari? Mari? Marionette!

I came back to reality

Marionette- Huh? Yes? Sorry I....lost track it's been really stressful 

Wynter- Ya don't say, I've been worry sick about you, my child!!!!

Alex- Trust me she destroyed her room worried about her

Wynter- Do you wanna be splatted little boy?

Adrian- On the bright side, she's okay. 

Alex- Thank goodness, if we went looking for her she would have been the first on to complain

Marionette- Why? 

Alex- She hates walking, the only thing you'll hear from her is "Aw, do I have too?" 

Adrian- It's true Mari

I giggled a bit

Alex- Come on, you have a room to clean

Wynter- Aw, do I have too?

Marionette- *giggles* I see what you mean Alex-Kun! Bye Wynter-Kun!

Adrian- Hey, Mari you were blushing a bit why?

Marionette- *blushing* Because....I'm in love with someone

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