Chapter 2: First Day, of the light

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I woke up and I went to my dad's octobot where he always is....

Marionette- Hi daddy, good morning!

Octavio- Military bus is coming to pick you up

Marionette- I'll miss you daddy

Octavio- Yeah, yeah, yeah go on, go

I climbed up the octo bot and went next to daddy and kissed his cheek

Marionette- *chu* I love you daddy, 

Octavio- Yeah, Yeah, Yeah go on...

I walked out the door but I took out my backpack and pulled out an Inkjet that I invented in Octo Tech Camp and flied to a light and saw a cabin and I peeked a bit and saw and old man and an Inkling boy

Cap'n Cuttlefish- I still say sowing a fake zapfish is way easy!

Agent 3- Yeah, it took you a whole hour and Agent 4 had to hold your hand while doing it

Cap'n Cuttlefish- Boy!

Agent 3- I'm just joking

I giggled and looked at the Inkling boy, I've never seen an Inkling ever, I never knew they would be this cool!

Cap'n Cuttlefish- Do you get the feeling you're being watched?

Agent 3- Cap, I think you're being paranoid, ever since you let Octavio be free with his race

Cap'n Cuttlefish- Yeah, you're right son,

Marionette- E-Excuse me...h-hello

Cap'n Cuttlefish- I KNEW I WASN'T PARANOID!

Agent 3- Okay octo, what do you want?!

Marionette- Don't shoot! Please....

Cap'n Cuttlefish- Young look familiar come here

I climbed up the gate and the old man pulled me inside the cabin

Cap'n Cuttlefish- Any chance you're related to Octavio

Marionette- Daddy? Yes I'm related to him

Agent 3- Yup she has his eyes, I knew it

Marionette- Look, I'm not here to hurt anyone, I......I ran away!

Cap'n Cuttlefish- Wait...You what? But why?

Marionette- Look, I love daddy but. I just want to live a normal life, like the inklings. I've never seen a dawn of sunlight...please..I just want a chance to be in your world

Cap'n Cuttlefish- Hmm, I guess you've ran away from your own kind just to be with us...I guess you can stay

Marionette- Really? Thank you sir! Thank you!

Agent 3- But where is she gonna live

Cap'n Cuttlefish- Agent 3, where else but with you

Agent 3- Wait what? Are you serious.. Cap'n it's a Boy and a girl...and she's an octoling

Cap'n Cuttlefish- Let her live, come on know behind all that freshness is a big heart, my boy

Agent 3- Okay, I guess she can live with me

Cap'n Cuttlefish- That's my Agent

Marionette- Where am I gonna stay?

Cap'n Cuttlefish- With Agent 3

Agent 3- But, you can't call me my agent name in public

Marionette- What's your name? 

Agent 3- Adrian 

Marionette- My name is Marionette!

Cap'n Cuttlefish- Now go enjoy the light Marionette

Marionette- Thank you sir!

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