Chapter 20: Decorating the Tree and Cookies

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Marionette's POV

We were all sitting on the couch, Adrian-Chan said he has something to show me. Adrian-Chan is holding a bushy tree

Adrian- Can I get a little help here!

Wynter- Oh Shoot!

Marionette- Coming! 

We all helped Adrian-Chan moved the bushy tree next to the fire place

Adrian- Phew, see, you put presents under there and when Squidmas comes you open them

Marionette- Wow but why is it blank

Alex-Kun came with a big box

Alex- You decorate the tree, also you get to decorate in here as well

Marionette- Whoa! Let's get started, let's open this thing!

Addie- Oh right, stand back this thing is sharp

Addie-Kun had something that is a box cutter and open the box

Addie- Ta Da!

Adrian's POV

Marionette seemed to like Squidmas already

Marionette Picked up the...oh no WHY DID YOU HAVE TO KEEP IT WYNTER?!

Marionette- Adrian-Chan, What's this?

Adrian- It's a...

Wynter- Mistletoe

Marionette- What's a Mistletoe?

Addie- When 2 people are under it, 

Alex- They have to kiss! 

Marionette- Oh! 

Adrian- why....

Marionette placed the mistletoe on the couch and we were looking for the Christmas lights

Addie- Found em'! I'll put these white lights on the stairs

Marionette- Oooo! Rainbow lights! Wynter-Kun can you help me put them on the tree? 

Wynter- Sure!

Wynter and Mari were on their way to the tree but Mari tripped over the wires for the lights and then she was all tangled

Mari- Umm, I think the lights think that I'm the tree

Everyone laughed and we came to help Mari out of the lights

Marionette- Phew, thanks everyone! 

Wynter- Huh, that usually happen to me! 

We finally put the lights on the tree and we took out the Christmas ornaments 

Addie- You're gonna love this part Mari! Look at these ornaments! 

Marionette- Ooo! 

Marionette grabbed the bowl filled with ornaments and put them of the tree we finished

Alex- Phew, Finished

Addie- No we're not we have to place the star

Marionette- Can I do it? 

Wynter- Sure!

Marionette- Uh, I need help can some one give me a boost

Adrian- I got it

I lifted up Mari and she placed the star on the tree

Marionette- That was fun! 

Wynter- I'm starving

Alex- Squidmas Cookies?

Wynter- Yup! 

We all went to the kitchen to make cookies

Marionette's POV

I've never had cookies before. They sound yummy! 

Alex- Okay, got the ingredients 

Adrian- Are you sure you remember the recipe Wynter

Wynter- I'm sure! Okay first 3 cups of flour and 3 eggs

I grabbed the flour and gave it to Adrian-Chan and he pour in 3 cups and Wynter Cracked 3 eggs into the bowl 

Wynter- Then, Vanilla extract and some milk

Marionette- Can I pour it?

Addie- Sure. 

I carefully poured the milk but my hands shook a bit

Adrian- Here let me help

He held my hands while I poured the milk and when I finished I poured the milk into the bowl

Marionette- Thanks! Now what's next?

Wynter- I think we mix it

Addie- On what level

Wynter- Uhm, High?

Wynter turned on the mixer and the mixture is flying everywhere

Alex- Too High, Too High!!! 

Addie- Turn it down!

Wynter- Turned the speed down

Adrian- I prefer my cookies in my mouth, not on my face

Marionette- Me too! 

Wynter- Sorry! 

Later we shaped the cookies and put them in the oven and we cleaned up the kitchen thanks to Wynter-Kun, but it's funny! 

Addie- Phew, all done

Wynter- Finally! 

Marionette- When will the cookies be done?

Addie- In a couple of minutes

After a few minutes the cookies finished and we decorated them with silly patterns and sprinkles!

Marionette- Mm! These cookies are delicious!

Addie- For sure! 

Marionette- This was fun! I can't wait for Squidmas! 

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